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While Anthony and Tommy fought I tried to use the stream of my blood to pull my hands free from the ropes that bound me. I was so close as I watched Anthony slam and toss Tommy over like he was nothing, he rushed back over towards me with the knife. 

"Don't move I'm going to cut you free..." Anthony replied he slipped the knife into the ropes until I heard them rip the ropes freeing my hands finally. He tore the ropes that were around my shoulders before freeing me from the chair and helping me to my feet. "Listen to me we have to hide...come on." Anthony took my hand as we began to run from the room and I could hear Tommy getting up behind us. Anthony knew it wasn't safe to go down the stairs yet, he pulled me into another room shutting the door behind me. He pinned his back to the door as we heard Tommy run past looking for us, I was holding my arm as the blood dripped across my skin to the floor. 

"What are we going to do?" I whispered he moved towards me touching my face with his hand, his face pressed against mine.

"I told Ian where I am, he promised to call the police at midnight. They are on there way tracking my cell phone right now. I am going to keep you and the baby safe, I promise you." he replied we both jumped when we heard the door next door get kicked open by Tommy. Anthony looked around hoping to find a weapon to use against Tommy and that knife. "I want you to hide...I will come for you after the police get here. Whatever you hear from Tommy or from me, don't come out okay?"

"Be careful..." I replied moving towards the small closet door as Anthony prepared to fight Tommy when he came into this room. I watched from the corner of the room as Tommy pushed through the door, he charged at Anthony slamming the knife down onto him but Anthony used his arm to block it. I looked around the closet finding anything to use against Tommy I couldn't sit by and watch Anthony get hurt for me. I found the golf club pulling it from the bag, I waited for the moment to strike and when Tommy wasn't looking I made my move. I pushed through the closet door slamming the golf club down hard against Tommy's back. I slammed again seeing him slump over as Anthony pushed him off him and he landed onto the floor with a thud. Anthony stood up taking the golf club from my hands and dropped it onto the bed. The relief when we both heard the sirens in the distance, Anthony pulled me into a hug. We started for the door getting to the stairs but before I could start, I felt a sharp pain go through my lower back. I felt an arm around my neck and Anthony's face go from relieved to straight panic.

"I told you Padilla, you took Kristen from me and now I will take both of them from you." he laughed he tossed me to the side as I landed hard against the wood floor. I watched as Anthony fought Tommy again, I felt a huge tightness into my stomach radiating through my body. The pain was excruciating and it spread everywhere, I thought Tommy was going to kill Anthony but luckily the front door below us got kicked open. Anthony slammed Tommy hard against the wall before the police grabbed him stopping him where he was. Anthony rushed to my side I was laying on my side, Anthony looked at my backside and his eyes went wide.

"Kay...look at me. It's not that bad, The police are here you're going to be okay." Anthony smiled touching my face, his brown eyes were warm but the pain was raging more and more. I could feel myself get light headed from the pain in my back and I felt wetness soak my legs. "Stay with my baby...I love you."

"Anthony...the's coming." I gasped Anthony's eyes went wide; everything around us was blurred, all of the sounds were deafened and all I could feel was pain. It was labor pain.  

(~~UH OH~~)