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I sat on one of the stools pinning the small microphone to my shirt as hundreds of screaming fans roared amongst the small room for Ian and I. This was the best part of VidCon the fans questions, they had so many and all of them were different. Ian was messing around with his hair making sure it was staying down with this heat it began to frizz up. I was lucky enough that my hair didn't do that because it wasn't as thick as Ian's.

Q'A for Anthony and Ian; Q~for Questioner, I~for Ian and A~for Anthony 

Q~Do you have any tips for someone who wants to start a YouTube channel?

I~First is to buy a good camera that you can film on, webcams aren't always good because of the quality they provide. Then you have to get a good editing software such as Mac's Imovie or PC's Final Cut Pro. After you got all of those essentials  then just find what you want to film whether it be gaming, comedy sketches or vlogs.

A~Exactly what Ian said, if you want to do it as a group then you can. Someone who you can be yourself with and you both can have laughs with is a plus.

Q~Is it hard for you two to manage so many channels at once? 

A~Not necessarily, Smosh and Smosh 2nd channel is managed by Ian and I. Smosh Games is run by the Smosh Games crew with us just being there to make sure it doesn't flop. 

I~Yeah I mean if Mari, Wes, Flitz, Lasercorn, Kay, Sohinki and Joven can't handle the channel then I think Anthony and I are in trouble. But they do an excellent job.

~~~~Few Questions Later~~~~

Q~Are either one of you seeing anyone right now?

I~I have been on a few dates here and there with some girls but there is nothing really serious right now on my end.

A~I actually on the other hand, I am dating this new girl. She is amazing, funny, smart and very beautiful too. She understands my scheduling which is a plus too, everything I'm saying doesn't do her justice either. I'm not rushing into anything with her, we are taking it slow and that is all I am going to say about it for now.

The crowd all awwed by my answer, I locked eyes with Kay when I described how she was to me and I could see a soft smile appear on her face. The Q'A went on with different questions now, no one brought up our love lives. My eyes stayed locked onto Kay who was texting on her phone before looking back up at me with a smile in between texts. We ended the interview and I made my way towards her avoiding Ian and the crowd of screaming fans.

"Every word I said I meant." I smiled she grinned looking down at her feet but when she looked back up I could see the coldness emerge from her brown eyes. "What is it?"

"Joven....he knows..."she whispered and my eyes went completely wide, I could see that she was in a panic. 

"Alright let's find Wes..." I smiled she nodded I took her hand with mine and pulled her with me into the crowd trying to avoid anyone including Joven who I saw talking with Mari and Sohinki about something. They didn't seem like they didn't know what was going on and I think Joven didn't mention what he heard to them yet. I spotted Wes taking pictures with some of his subscribers and made my way over towards him stopping for quick pictures with fans that asked until Wes's stare locked on with mine. His smile dropped and by that look I knew that he could read what was going on inside my mind.