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I moved down the small corridor seeing Wes with Joven talking to the rest of the crew, it was almost five in the morning of January 26th and everyone one was wide awake now. Kay was in labor for four hours

"Hey guys...Kay is about to deliver." I replied everyone, Joven yawned moving over towards me shaking off any sleepiness inside him. 

"Anthony?" Wes started moving towards both me and Joven before we could leave to go back to where Kay was. "Tell Kay Brendan and Andrea want her to pick the baby's name...they will be here in a few days."

"I will let her know that...we will let you know what happens guys." I smiled everyone wished Kay luck during this delivery because this could be risky or be perfectly healthy. Joven followed me into the room as we saw the doctor and the nurses all prepped and ready to go. Kay was all ready to deliver as she was now gasping very loud in pain from the contractions. "We are here Kay, you ready to do this?"

"The sooner the feeling of a watermelon on my tail bone is gone and I have the baby out then I will be happy." she gasped as Joven took her one hand on the other side of the bed and I took the hand I was holding before into my hand. 

"Okay Joshua...Anthony you will take one leg to pull back against Kay's chest. When I tell you to push then you push Kay. You two have to cheer her one no matter how much pain she is enduring because once she starts pushing she can not stop. We have to make sure the placenta doesn't rupture more than it already has. You all ready?" the doctor explained the three of us all nodded in understanding, I took her one leg with my free hand and Joven took the other leg with his pulling it closer to her chest. 

"You can do this Kay..." Joven smiled as Kay gasped trying to catch her breath but she never seemed able to catch it since the pain was probably intense. 

"Okay Kay ready...push..." the doctor directed, I felt her grip tighten on my hands as her legs pushed against my arm when she let out a moan pushing. She pushed for the moment until the doctor told her to relax to catch her breath preparing for the next push. The doctor told her to push again and she grunted this time forcing all her air out of her lungs. I could see sweat starting to form on her forehead soaking her brown hair, her skin was turning red now with exhaustion. "We are almost there Kay...just two more big pushes."

"Your doing so well babe...keep going." I smiled as Kay let out a huge burst of air pushing harder now, her body was hot and I can tell she was getting exhausted. She pinned her head back against the pillow gasping heavily trying to catch her breath and her hands readjusted in Joven and my hand. "Last push Kay..." She nodded pushing with the last of her strength screeching until we could hear the beautiful sound of crying. Kay flopped back onto the bed as we could hear cries of the little baby that Kay had brought into this world.

"Great job Kay..." Joven smiled kissing the top of her sweating forehead moving her hair away so it didn't stick to her. 

"Hey you want to cut the cord?" the doctor smiled handing me the small pair of scissors as I moved over towards the crying baby. The nurse showed me where to cut, I snipped it freeing Kay and the baby from the attachment towards each other. 

"What is it?" Kay asked breathing heavily as the nurse moved the baby over to clean it off to make sure nothing was wrong. The doctor looked over at the three of us, his smile was big and the feeling of proud was washing over him.

"It's a beautiful healthy baby boy." the doctor replied and I felt my chest untighten as Kay gasped with relief smiling uncontrollably. I moved over towards her taking her hand again smiling also uncontrollably, I kissed the top of her head showing her how proud I was of her. 

"I'm going to tell everyone." I smiled she nodded as the doctor needed to run a few tests on the baby just for safety precaution. Joven stayed with Kay as I exited the room moving to the waiting area where everyone saw me coming.

"So?" Ian asked Wes, Lasercorn, Mari and Sohinki all stood up moving towards me to hear what I was going to say.

"It's a beautiful baby boy." I smiled everyone was excited cheering softly since it was too early in the morning to scream loudly, I was happy too because now Kay can finally rest easy.        

~~Awwww a cute little baby boy~~