"Where are we going?" Calum asked as his mum stood.

"We're going to look for Michael."

"I've already done that."

"You know how if you try to look for something in the dryer and you can't find it, and then I go out there and do find it?"


"That applies to everything. Mum's are better at finding things than their children are."

"Michael isn't a thing."

She pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. "You know what I mean. Now, come on. You're driving. That is, if you're not still drunk."

"I'm not."

"Great, let's go."


"I told you we wouldn't find anything," Calum grumbled after they drove past The Bar for the third time.

"You know, maybe if you had some optimism, you'd actually get something done," his mum said. "I can practically feel the pessimism coming off of you. Pull over."

Calum did, and he leaned his forehead on the steering wheel.

"I just - I can't be optimistic without him here. He's my best friend, Mum, and he just left me."

"But, he didn't, Calum. He left you the note, not his mum or anyone else. You. Maybe there's something in it that's a clue as to where he is."

He leaned back and shook his head. "I've looked over that letter countless times. I think I'm just going to drop you off at home and then look for Michael on my own."

She pursed her lips, but nodded and let Calum drive her home.

"Be safe," she said when she got out of the car.

"I will, Mum."

She closed her door, and Calum backed out of his driveway and started driving past all of the places he'd already gone to. He ended up at The Bar, and, surprisingly, Mariana wasn't there this time. This was the first time Calum had been there without her.

There was a really cute girl sitting on the bar stool next to him, and he gave her a quick once-over before saying, "Hey."

She turned to him and smiled. "Hi," she said, blushing.

"Who are you with tonight?"

"No one. Why?"

He smiled his pretty smile, but it quickly fell when he saw a flash of black and white in his peripheral vision.

"Um, h-hold on," he said, then quickly got off of his seat and went in the direction he saw the black and white go.

His breath hitched in his throat, and his eyes widened. There, in a back booth of The Bar, was Michael, sitting with someone and laughing. He couldn't see the other person, but he definitely saw Michael.

Calum just stupidly stood there, about ten feet from his friend. He was too shocked to think to do anything, but he didn't have to, because soon, Michael's eyes went from whoever he was talking to, to Calum. His beautiful green eyes widened significantly, and then whoever he was talking to turned around, and Calum saw who it was.

Calum's eyes were filling with tears, and he balled his fists and looked down, his breathing increasing. He then turned and pushed his way out of The Bar, ignoring Michael's calls. He didn't even make it a few steps out of The Bar before his sweater sleeve was being pulled on.

"What?!" Calum screamed, turning to Michael with tear-filled eyes. "What the fuck do you want?!"

"Please, just let me explain myself!" Michael pleaded.

Take It Out On Me [Malum AU]Where stories live. Discover now