Ch 3

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Naruto jumped back, he'd pulled out as much of Kurama's chakra as he could, leaving him red eyed and with fangs and claws, but still couldn't come close to Kakashi's level. "Damn I can't wait to crack this seal..." He muttered. Then tried for an overhead punch, only for Kakashi to vanish and grab his shirt, easily throwing the young jinchuriki into the lake.

Sasuke leapt from the tree line, spitting fireballs at Kakashi as he made a break towards Naruto.

By the time Sasuke landed on the beach, Naruto leaped from the water and landed angrily, his breathing ragged.

"Naruto. Do you wanna go back to the academy?" Sasuke asked as he landed, earning a glare.

"Hell no. I'll get a bell, and let you rot there..."

Sasuke scoffed. "You honestly think you e got a shot against him at your level? You've got power but lack control. You need us, We need you, let's not fail alright?"

Naruto stood and sighed, extending his fist. "Fine. Whatever. But if we get the bells I get one."

Sasuke shrugged. "I'll give up mine if I'm wrong." Sasuke bumped the blonde's fist and grinned.

Then both took off at their max speed towards Kakashi. Naruto going left while Sasuke went right, they tried to overwhelm him. He wasn't an elite jonin for nothing however and easily dodged or blocked their advances. Then Naruto did two hand seals and breathed in. "Wind style: Air bullet!" A ball of compressed air the size of a basketball shot from his mouth and almost hit Kakashi, luckily he leapt back at the last moment.

Sasuke looked at Naruto wide eyed. "You can do wind style? I think I have an idea..."

Naruto nodded. "Well human, let's hear it."

"Use your strongest wind jutsu on my strongest fire jutsu and the effect will be increased dramatically. My strongest fire jutsu is the Fire Dragon Bullet." Sasuke began weaving through multiple seals, causing Naruto to smirk.

"Well, what a coincidence? My strongest wind technique is Wind Dragon Bullet." He also began weaving through signs.

"Fire style: Fire dragon Bullet!!!!" Sasuke bellowed, breathing out a massive stream of fire that took the shape of a Japanese dragon.

"Wind style: Wind Dragon Bullet!!!!" Naruto breathed out a similar dragon made of wind chakra.

The wind dragon caught up to the fire and they fused together, creating a jutsu so bright and hot that it hurt Kakashi's eye to look at.

The ensuing explosion rattled the training ground and Kakashi smacked both teens in the back of the head. "Hi guys. Your aim isn't so great, huh?"

Then a clinging sound was heard and Sasuke smirked, throwing his foot back. Naruto did the same, mirroring his movements.

Kakashi jumped lightly to avoid the low kicks, this left him unable to move as Sakura grabbed the bells.

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