Max: Think? What does that mean?

Me: I am so sorry. I kissed someone. Please don't hate me.

Max: Did you feel anything for them?

Me: No, I felt gross. I never want to do it again.

Max: Then you didn't cheat. What happened? Please tell me.

Me: I will tell you tomorrow, when I see you. I love you.

Max: I love you too.

I then set the phone on the nightstand. I crawled under the covers and pulled them up. I laid there and listended for anything. I heard nothing. There was no sound. There was no lights. Fianlly, sleep took over and I fell into it.

Waking up to texts, was weird for me. I saw that I had a text from Siva and Tom. They were just saying that I needed to wake up. I texted them back. Tom told me that Kelsey was going to pick me up at 1:00, to take me to the hospital. Siva just told me that Nathan was excited to see Macey.

I then rolled out of my bed and went downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and Niall and Louis were sitting in there. I grabbed some O.J. and sat next to Louis.

"How are you feeling, Niall?" I asked him. He moaned and kept eating his cereal. Louis chuckled and looked at me.

"I hope that you have fun with that girl." Louis told me.

"I hope that she has fun." I said. I knew that I sounded slightly sad. He put his arm around me.

"Cara, really, it will be okay." He told me. I got up from the table and went to my room.

Everything might not be okay. I thought about what Macey told me. She didn't want to find love. She just wanted to be herself. I knew that she didn't want to die, but she knew that it would be inevitable. I grabbed my green sundress and put it on. I grabbed a bunch of my makeup and put it in a bag. She was going to look stunning. I grabbed the dress and put it on the bed.

Once I had gathered everything, I took it downstairs. I saw that Kelsey was already here. She was with Harry. He was getting really close to her and she was getting uncomfortable. What was he playing at? I walked over to them and he took a step away from her.

"Kelsey, are you ready to go?" I asked her. She looked at me and looked relieved.

"Yeah, let's go." She said quickly. She walked out the front door and I grabbed my stuff. I put in the backseat of her car and I got in. She started the car and drova away.

"What did Harry tell you?" I asked her.

"He told me that he wanted me, with him. He also told me about the two of you," She said.

"I have no idea what he wants. It is so strange." I commented.

"Let's just try to stay away from him." She said nervously. We then got to the hospital. I walked in with the dress and my bag full of makeup. I told the nurses station what I was there for. They smiled and took me to her room. She looked a little better today.

"How are you?" I asked her. She looked at me and Kelsey and smiled.

"I am good. I feel good." She said. I set the bag of makeup down and I showed her the dress. She smiled really big.

"It is beautiful!" She said. I saw that we had about 2 hours before we had to leave.

"I brought you something." Kelsey said. She then pulled a black beanie with a pink flower out of her purse. She handed it to Macey and she smiled really big.

"This is perfect!" She exclaimed. She put it on and looked in the reflection of the window.We then got to work on her makeup. We did a semi-dramatic look on her. She looked gorgeous.

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