How He Is You While You're Pregnant

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Tony: He doesn't know what to do. He just carries on like normal and so do you. For awhile. Then, you get into the second tri-mester and then it finally sinks into both of your heads that Oh shit, you're having a baby... So, then, Tony really buckles down and will cater to your needs when he's not overly busy or when you are threatening his life.

Steve: Steve likes to give you cuddles when you're pregnant. The two of you will just sit on the couch, you in front of him, Steve's large hands resting on your swollen belly. You'll watch anything you want  and he'll make you anything you want for dinner while you watch your favorite television shows.

Thor: During pregnancy, Thor, like Tony, doesn't quite understand what he's supposed to do. He's too excited that you're carrying his child to be concerned about anything else, to be truthful. He's constantly telling people, whether he knows them or not, that he's going to be a dad.

Bruce: He's kinda like a drill sergeant. He makes you eat healthy. Lots of fish and eggs to help the baby grow and be healthy. He threw out a lot of the junk food when he found out you were pregnant. He didn't want his unborn child given all of those false chemicals that could ruin it.

Pietro: He waits on you hand and foot. He wants you to be comfortable and happy. Happy wife means happy life, and a happy and healthy baby. And that's all he could ask for. Pietro will get you anything you ask for without question, unless it's something he should be overly concerned about...

Clint: He's kinda cliché. He likes to talk to your little baby bump, even though he is aware that his child cannot hear Daddy's voice. He'll kneel down in front of you when he gets home, place his hands on either side of your stomach, give it a soft kiss before saying that Daddy missed his baby at work.

Bucky: Bucky is extremely cautious around you. He doesn't want to act out and do something wrong to hurt you or the baby, knowing that you're extra fragile during your nine months of pregnancy. He'll take care of you but he'll just be very careful.

Natasha: You can't get pregnant. Why did I even put her name down?

Loki: He's constantly kissing you or your slowly growing stomach. He's always complimenting you, saying that you have a beautiful glow to you, that he's so proud of you, or that he knows that you'll give him a beautiful child. He's in love; not only with you, but with the life you've given him.

I'm sorry.... I've been gone for like, a week... I just haven't been in a very write-y mood lately and I have to be in a mood to write to write decently well. So, this is by no means up to my normal standards (although it is probably much better than the flower chapter... #lame). But, just in case people actually read these and want to know what is happening in my life.... HERE'S AN UPDATE!

I have recently gained an addiction to the youtubers Dan and Phil. Mainly Dan. He's adorable and funny and he has a beautiful accent (Not that Phil doesn't possess any of those qualities. I just love Dan). Like, I've been watching them both all day for the last two days and now, I want to write a fanfiction.... Not that I don't have enough of those that are incomplete.... Or I could do a book of imagines... I don't know. I could do a book of random imagines... Although, I did that once and nobody read it. It had like 100 views, 12 imagines, no votes, and a very sad writer because there were some pretty quality imagines in that book. But, oh well, maybe I'll do that again. I don't know...

And that has been a word from your author! Thank you for reading. Make sure you comment and vote. Message me whenever because I get lonely and I like when people ask me questions and want to get to know me but not in that creepy-pryishy kinda way. So, yeah. Do that... -med_01

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