James 'Bucky' Barnes (Part 1)

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If you haven't figured it out from the title, I'm going to do multiple Bucky parts considering there are like, what, 70 preferences I have to do. So, this is one of I don't know how many! Let us begin our journey!!!!

How you meet: You were working part-time at as a barista at the local coffee shop while you were in college. It was a relatively quiet day. Two men came up to the counter, both rather attractive. The brunette though... well... He could give the blonde a run for his money. "Hi! What can I do for you?" You ask politely.

"Yeah, hi, um... two large peppermint mochas..." the brunette said, digging through his wallet with a metal hand.

"That will be $6.39. Can I get a name?"

"Bucky." He takes his change and looks at you for the first time.

"Alright," you mumble as you finish writing out the names on the cups. "Anything else I can get you?"

"Your number...." he mumbled, staring at you.

You giggle a bit, scribbling your number across a napkin and handing it to him. "I get off at 4 by the way."

"I will definitely be here at four," he said with a smirk as he went to wait for his coffee.

Contact Names: Yours in his: Gorgeous

His in yours: Jamesss <3 ;P

Favorite Physical Feature On Him: His metal arm. It's makes Bucky who he is and you don't want anyone else.

He Finds Out Something About You: Bucky always wondered why you always have a slight limp to your walk and never wear shorts or capris, well, just anything that didn't cover you all the way to the ankles. So, one day, he decided to surprise you at home on a really hot day.

He unlocked the door using the key you had given him. He poked his head in to see you sitting on the couch watching TV, you had your legs propped up on the coffee table. Well, one leg.... Your other leg was a prosthetic.

When you saw him standing at the door, you quickly grabbed a quilt, trying to cover your leg. "Bucky! Could you not've knocked!?" You shout.

Bucky just held out a small bouquet of flowers. "I was just trying to surprise you."

"It worked!"

"I'm sorry.... What happened to your leg?" He asks, putting the flowers in a vase before sitting next to you on the couch.

"Um... It got blown off by a land mine when I was in the Army..." You mutter quietly as Bucky moves the blanket away.

"I like it. Look, we match," he joked, holding out his arm to your leg. You couldn't help but laugh. Bucky grinned, putting his arm around your shoulders.

How He Likes Your Hair: Dyed. Whether it be all colored, just the ends, or streaks. He loves when you add un-natural colors to your hair because it brings out your personality.

Video Game You Play Together: Sonic the Hedgehog. Why would you not love Sonic?! You love to play as Tails though.

Where He Likes To Kiss You: Lips. He loves your lips. They're nice and plump and a gorgeous shade of pink.

Your Job: You've been working at a coffee shop ever since you got out of the Army. Although, you have a job interview at a professional photography studio next week.

His Favorite Feature (personality): He loves how open-minded you are. You may not feel entirely the same way as someone but you are always willing to hear them out.

His Favorite Feature (physical): Your legs. Bucky loves how long they are. It makes it a lot easier for you to keep up with him when he's walking.

Proposal: Bucky's big Husky named York came running into the kitchen one evening while you were making dinner. It barked, panted, and thumped it's tail against the ground until you gave it attention. It jumped up, pawing at your pant leg. You noticed there was a letter tied around its neck. You untied the letter and the dog jumped down and ran off into the bedroom.

You ripped the envelope open and pulled out a single index card. It read, 'Will you marry my dad? Love, York'.

You laughed as Bucky came around the corner shyly with a ring box. York followed behind him, holding the same expression as Bucky. "York, I would love to marry your daddy," you say, rubbing York's head.

"His daddy would love to marry you too," Bucky said, kneeling down beside York and slipping the little ring on your finger.

So. Part 1 is complete! Thank you for reading and if you guys would, go check out my Hawkeye fic called 'Nothing' it would mean a lot to your lovely author! Thank you guys! -med_01

Avenger Imagines/Preferences!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora