Loki Laufeyson (Part 2)

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His Nickname For You: My love or my dear

Movie You Watch Together: The Maze Runner. You loved the books and while Loki never read them, he's decided he might just have to read them.

You're Hurt: You had pulled a muscle in your shoulder. God. You had never had anything hurt as bad as this! A wave of pain seemed to course through you every time you even thought about moving your shoulder. Loki made you stay in bed, ice and heat your shoulder. He made sure you did everything the doctor said or else no cuddles. But, even if you didn't do as you were told, Loki would give in when you gave him the puppy-eyes and he would give you a light cuddling session.

How He Kisses You: Loki kisses with passion and a hint of mischief. He wants you to know that he loves you more than anything else. He likes to kiss you until you open your mouth, allowing him entrance. Then, he pulls away, knowing it leaves you wanting more.

Where You/He Put Your Hands While You Kiss: Your hands automatically go to his arms. Whether it be forearms or biceps, it doesn't matter to you. He likes the way your small hands feel against his skin, so it's a win-win for the both of you.

A Habit Of Yours That He Adores: How you are always moving. He thinks it's super cute how you are always playing with your fingers or moving your feet or something. You have to keep doing something! He finds the constants movement from you surprisingly adorable.

When He Realized He Loved You: The moment you helped him plot his take-over. You write as a hobby. What could you say? You were full of ideas that were guaranteed not to fail. Murders, world domination, hiding bodies. Everything.

TV Show You Watch Together: The 100. You both love it and always tune in to the CW to watch it. You've actually read the books that go along with the show, so you know what goes on but you still think it's fun to watch Loki's reaction to what is going on on the TV.

He Gets Jealous: When Loki gets jealous, he gets violent. He threatens to blast anyone who flirts with you out of existence. You just quickly pull him away before he actually goes through with the threat.

What Happened When He First Saw You: His immediate thought was something about a foolish mortal who thought it was okay to judo flip a god. But, then, he looked at you. And he didn't really have any thoughts. He wasn't sure how he should feel. He was mesmerized by you and your beauty.

First Kiss: For your second date, the two of you went to see your favorite baseball team play. Well, when you got there, you were unaware that there would be a Kiss Cam. You were lost in the game. When all of a sudden, Loki lifts your chin and presses his soft pink lips to yours gently, you melt into his kiss. When he pulls away, he just points to the big screen where the two of you are.

You're Pregnant: When you found out you were pregnant, you went out and bought a cute little baby shirt that said "Daddy's Princess". You were hoping for a little girl. So, you laid it on Loki's pillow. When Loki got home and found it, he screamed. You just kind of laughed a little. He ran out into the living room and scooped you up into his arms, lifting you up and kissing your stomach and then kissing you sweetly. "I can't wait to be parents, my love," he whispered with a soft smile on his face.

Baby Names: You had a son despite wanting to have a girl. But you were happy with your new son named him Rian (pronounced like Ryan) Joseph Laufeyson.

What You Do That Turns Him On: When you're doing something, you have a habit of singing to yourself and you'll dance a bit too. Whether it be a slight head-bop or a sway of the hips. Loki is all over you the minute he catches you dancing.

You Wear His Clothes: You were bored one day. What was something you had never done? You had never tried on Loki's outfit. So, you went into his closet and pulled it out. You tugged it all on and walked out to show Loki. He laughed at you. He thought it was adorable how the sleeves came way past your hands and how the coat tails trailed along the floor.

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