Pietro Maximoff

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So. I have had a request off adding Pietro to this book of preferences and after doing ZERO research on Quicksilver that is what I am doing so... LET US BEGIN CATCHING UP!!!

How You Meet: You had been skateboarding on the pier just enjoying the breeze and the smell of the ocean air. You had run back to your car to grab your water bottle and were getting ready to run back across the street. You looked down the street and saw a car that was at the stop sign. I have enough time to make it, you thought. So, you started your trek across the four-lane road.

It would've been great if you hadn't lost your shoe in the middle of the road. You let released a groan and ran back to slip in on your foot. You bent down to tug the shoe back on when you heard the rumble of an engine and the smell of gasoline.

You felt like you had been body slammed. One minute you're trying to get your shoe and the next you're tumbling head over heels on the soft sand of the beach. When you finally stopped, a guy was hovering over you. "You must be more careful, princess," he mutters. He has a thick accent that you can't quite place. It's attractive either way.

"Th-thank you," you stutter. The distance between the two of you was small and he was rather cute in your opinion. You couldn't help but get flustered around him.

He gets off of you and pulls you to your feet. In the blink of an eye, he's gone and back with your grey VAN in his hand. "You lost this, Cinderella," he says with a chuckle, bending down and slipping it back on your foot.

"Oh, such a prince."

"Would you like to, maybe, um, go get a bite to eat? With me?" He asks awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck as he stares at his grey Nike running shoes.

"I would love to."

Contact Names: Yours in his: Cinderella

His in yours: Prince Charming

Favorite Physical Feature on Him: His hands. They're kinda soft but kinda not. You just love the way they feel in yours and how warm they are.

He Finds Out Something About You: You and Pietro were walking around Coney Island. "Come on, Princess!" He shouts taking your hand and pulling you over to the line for the roller coaster.

"I-I don't know about this, Pietro..."

"Please, Y/N!" He clasps his hands together and falls to his knees, begging you. He gives you the puppy dog eyes and there is no way you can ward off the puppy eyes and Pietro knows that.

You bury your head in your hands and groan. "Fine..."

The closer you got to the front of the line, the more your stomach twisted into knots. You swallow hard as you followed Pietro onto the ride. He sat down and you slid into the car next to him. The bar comes down over your lab and you gripped it tightly.

The coaster began to climb the first hill and you squeezed your eyes shut painfully tight.



You look at Pietro through with one eye. "What?" You ask, your voice shaky. You sound like you're about to cry.

"Are you afraid of heights?"


"Why didn't you say something? We didn't have to do this."

"Well, it's too late now...." You mutter.

"You'll be okay, Princess. I'll take care of you," he says, taking one of your shaking hands in his and giving your cheek a quick kiss.

How He Likes Your Hair: Half up and half down. It keeps your hair out of your gorgeous eyes but leaves it down so you still look cute and girly.

Video Game You Play Together: Mario Kart Wii. Both of you are horrible. It's literally the two off you trying to push each other off the road and doing anything to beat the other.

Where He Likes To Kiss You: Your stomach. Ever since he found out that his child is growing inside of you he is always leaning down and planting soft kisses on your tiny baby bump.

Your Job: You're an animator. You are constantly sketching characters and working on storyboards. Pietro loves to look at your drawings. He always says they look amazing even though you see the flaws in the pictures. Sometimes, you even let him color them. But only if he's been a good boy.

His Favorite Feature (Personality): Your temper. I know. Weird. But he finds how fierce you can get in a moments notice incredibly sexy. Sometimes, he makes you mad on purpose just to see you get riled up.

His Favorite Feature (Physical): Your cheeks. They have a rosy tint to them and he finds that adorable.

Proposal: Pietro got up before you for once. You walked into the kitchen and immediately smelled coffee. You perked up almost instantly. "I smell coffee," you mumble.

Pietro stands and gives you a quick kiss before making you sit down at the table. He gets in the cabinet and starts looking for a coffee cup. But, he looks on the inside of every mug before grumbling and putting it back.

"Pietro? What are you doing?"

"Making you coffee...."

"Why aren't you using one of the ones you have in front of you?"

"They're all dirty..." He says after a while. He pulls a blue one out that you've never seen before and gives a small smile before filling it with coffee and stirring in cream and sugar.

He sets it down in front of you with a smile. "Thank you," you say, sipping at your coffee.

He sits back down in his seat and stares at you with big eyes as he taps his feet and drums his fingers on his own coffee cup.

"Too much coffee, Pietro?"

"Uh... yes..."

You release a chuckle and take another sip of your coffee.

Pietro groans and grabs the cup out of your hands and dumps it down the sink. He holds the cup out to you. "What the hell!? That was my coffee!" You shout as you take the cup back from him. You huff and look at your now empty cup. "Oh..." You say when you see the white words at the bottom of you cup. 'Will you marry me?' was there.

You set the mug down and look at Pietro who is down on a single knee with a little ring box in his hand. "Will you?" He asks hopefully.


He flashes a toothy grin and kisses you sweetly, slipping the engagement ring on your finger.

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