James 'Bucky' Barnes (Part 2)

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His Nickname For You: Beautiful

Movie You Watch Together: Any or all of the Harry Potter movies. You love Draco. Well, then again, who doesn't. He makes you swoon. Bucky just likes the whole storyline.

You're Hurt: Bucky had taken you to the beach the day before.  Being the idiot you are, you didn't put on sunscreen. You woke up this morning with red, hot shoulders. "Ow...." You muttered, trying to stretch your arms to tie your hair up in a ponytail.

"You okay?"

"No.... I hurt...."

"I told you to put sunscreen on, beautiful..." he mumbles, coming up behind you and tying up your hair.

"I know..." You groan. You pull the collar of your shirt over so he could see the bright red next to the thin white line from your bikini strap. "Look at this! Bucky, I am never going to get rid of these awful tan lines!"

"Should've done what I told you," he sings.

"Shut up!" You laugh, smacking him on the arm.

Bucky laughed, skipping out of the bathroom to let you change rather slowly due to your pain levels.

How He Kisses You: He likes to give you soft pecks but he always lets his lips linger a little while against yours before he completely pulls away.

Where You/He Put Your Hands While You Kiss: You like to slip your thumbs through his belt loops. He likes it when you put your fingers in his pockets too.

A Habit Of Yours That He Adores: He loves how you steal his wallet. It can be in his pocket and you can steal it without him even noticing. He shouldn't find your thievery cute but he does. It's not like your robbing actual innocent people. It was just Bucky and Bucky didn't really mind.

When He Realized He Loved You: He realized he loved you the first time you let him see you without make-up and in your lazy clothes. He thought you were adorable anyway. He wouldn't mind seeing you like that all the time. You looked totally relaxed and he couldn't help but fall in love with you.

TV Show You Watch Together: Wheel of Fortune. How can you not love Wheel of Fortune? You two are insanely bad at it though. It doesn't matter though. You're answers almost fit!

He Gets Jealous: When Bucky catches a guy flirting with you he just glares at them, nonchalantly pushing up his sleeves to show off one metal arm and another rather muscular arm. The guy backs off with out another word. Bucky doesn't let his glare leave the guy until he's pretty sure he's scared the guy shitless.

What Happened When He First Saw You: He got super nervous. He kept smacking Steve on the arm and would point at  you discretely. "Dude... dude..." He kept saying as he hit Steve. When  Steve finally asked why the hell Bucky kept smacking him, Bucky replied quickly with, "I need her number. Go get it for me." Steve laughed and told him that if he wanted it so badly he could get it himself.

First Kiss: Bucky had taken you to the movies for your third date. It would've been awesome if the movie had been as good as the trailer. The two of you were so bored! You kept debating on whether or not you should leave or not, but you didn't want to disturb the other people in the theater.

You were texting your sister when Bucky awkwardly grabbed your face in his hands. He waited a bit, chewing and licking his lips slightly, before attaching your lips to his. Even in the black of the theater you could see the blush on his cheeks. He looked down awkwardly, not really knowing what to do now. You couldn't keep the smile off your face. You lifted his chin and kissed his lips one final time.

Height Difference (5'11"): Bucky is a decent bit taller than you. It's not too incredibly much but it's definitely well over 5".

You're Pregnant: You and Bucky were hosting a dinner party. You had earlier found out that you were expecting a child and you still hadn't told Bucky. You set out the plates and silverware, putting bowls of food on the table. You had typed up little place cards for everyone. You placed them all in front of a seat and waited until your guests had arrived to have everyone come sit down to eat.

"Hey, um, Y/N? Did you invite your dad and not me?" Bucky said, staring at the place card that said 'Dad'.

"I didn't invite my dad..." You say, reaching up in the cabinet to grab another glass to replace the one Clint knocked off the table and was now cleaning up.

"Then who is 'Dad' and why does he have a spot and not me?" Steve just gives Bucky this look like, 'Really, dude?' and Bucky's jaw dropped. "Wait.... You're...."

"Took you long enough!" You shout.

His face lights up in a bright smile, running towards you with a big smile on his face. "I can't believe we're gonna have a kid."

"I know," you giggled as he lifted you up, kissing your lips sloppily.

Baby Names: You and Bucky had a boy that you named Logan William Barnes.

What You Do That Turns Him On: He loves it when you get some dirt on your hands. He finds it super sexy when you go out and work in your garden or do some painting, anything productive that gets you kinda messy.

You Wear His Clothes: Bucky has this black long-sleeve muscle shirt that he wears when he goes out for a jog with Steve. Although, sometimes, he can't find it. Why? Because you wear it when you go out with your friends to the gym.

A/N: Ummm.... Normally I would bold this but the little text alter-er thingies decided not to be over at the left of my screen. Well, that adorable little picture on your screen is one of the most precious creatures to have ever lived. Sebastian Stan. He's so freaking adorable. Like, where do I buy one? Welp, I'm out. -med_01

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