A Habit Of Yours That He Adores

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Tony: When you have to have something in the exact spot, especially cups. You hate having multiple water rings so you keep you cup in the same place. He finds your OCD tendency really cute and he can't help but mess with you sometimes because you just look at him dead in the eyes and move your cup back to its' place.

Thor: How you always sleep with a blanket. No matter how hot it is you always have yourself tucked under a blanket. He thinks it's even more adorable when you completely hide your body under your blanket so he can't see you.

Steve: The way you might randomly throw your book and bury your face in a pillow or occasionally fall off the bed 'from so much no' as you say. He finds it really cute how you get so involved in books.

Pietro: When you're frustrated and you get really hard on yourself. He knows that he shouldn't find it cute but he can't help it. You'll stomp around the house, groaning, grumbling, and slamming cabinets, sometimes even yelling about never doing things right. He finds it adorable how you're really hard on yourself about the tiny things, things that don't really matter, like not getting enough cream in your coffee or when the milk accidentally falls out of the refrigerator.

Bruce: The way you twirl a piece of hair around you finger when you're in deep thought. He finds it simply adorable and he can't help but stare and wonder what you're trying to figure out. Sometimes when he notices it, he'll offer you his assistance and see if he can help you figure out what's plaguing your mind.

Clint: The way you poor yourself over books to find the answer. Especially when it's something about work. You won't rest until you've found the answer. A lot of the times, when he comes home late from work, he'll see you sitting in bed with your glasses slipping off your nose reading a research guide or something along those lines trying to find the answer. You'll have a pack of sticky notes and a highlighter to mark anything that could prove to be useful in the future.

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