"Oh hey, it's Jared." Tyler noted.

"Yeah it's Jared and you want to know something?"


"Well," I said. "Mr. Jared over there told Leah that he was going to be out of town all weekend to visit family and wouldn't be back until Monday."

Tyler looked over at Jared. "Hmm, well maybe he hasn't left?"

"He was supposed to leave yesterday."

"Maybe his family lives around here?"

"Tyler! Does this look like out of town to you?"

"Then maybe he's back early and wants to surprise Leah with those flowers?"

I gave Tyler a big smile. "I guess that's what we'll have to find out, won't we?"

He groaned. "Oh, Kait, no, please."

"And the only way to find out is if we," I trailed off, gesturing for him to finish my sentence.

"Follow him," Tyler mumbled.

I cupped a hand around my ear. "What was that?"

"Follow him." He repeated.

"Sorry, come again?"

"FOLLOW HIM!" He shouted.

"Alright, you're the one who said it," I grabbed his hand and tugged him along with me down the street towards his car. 

He threw open his door and climbed into the driver seat while I launched myself into the passenger seat. I looked ahead and saw, just in time, Jared's silver car pulling out of it's parking space.

"Alright, he's pulling out, get close enough so we don't lose him." I ordered.

"Hold on," Tyler said, buckling his seat belt frantically. "What ever happened to safety first?"

I buckled my own seat belt quickly and shouted. "Go, go, go!"

"I'm going, I'm going." He said.

"Well, not fast enough." I muttered.

Tyler slowly pulled out of his parking spot and started driving ahead. It felt like he was driving at 2 miles per hour, I started panicking when my view of Jared's silver car started to disappear.

"Tyler, we're going to have to go faster than this."

He shook his head. "No, I can't."

"Yes, you can, just speed it up a little." I said.

"Kait, who's the one driving?" He asked.

I glanced ahead and saw Jared's car making a right turn. "I am," I told him as I lifted my foot and pushed on Tyler's foot that was currently sitting on the gas pedal. The car lurched and sped forward, than I grabbed the wheel and made a crazy right turn that almost caused the rear of the car to collide with a mailbox.  

"Kaitlyn! What the hell?" Tyler shouted as we were greeted by various car honks.

I pointed to the silver car that was perfectly visible now. "We were losing him!"

"You were going to kill us!" He shouted following behind Jared.

I rolled my eyes. "Was not."

"Uh yeah, if you haven't noticed Kait, there are some pretty angry people shouting at us."

"Who cares, let them."

Tyler sighed and muttered. "So help me God."

We cruised along for a while keeping a good distance between us and Jared. We tried to make sure not to get too close and at one point I was so sure that Jared saw us when we were stopped at a red light, but it was a false alarm, he was just checking himself out in his rear view mirror.

Who knew that his vanity would come in handy?

After what seemed like too many turns, I was beginning to think that we were in a maze. Jared put on his blinker and pulled into a driveway of white Victorian house.

In other words, not Leah's house.

"I guess that takes off the whole Jared might be surprising Leah idea off of the list." I told Tyler.

"I can't believe this." He said. "Wait, look, he's going to the door."

We watched as Jared casually climbed out of his car and made his way to the large red painted door with the bouquet in hand.

He rang the doorbell and looked around as he waited. Both Tyler and I simultaneously lowered ourselves a bit farther in our seats to make sure that he didn't see us.

The door opened then, and out stepped a gorgeous girl with big, bright brown eyes and dark brown hair. "Jared!" She said and threw her arms around him.

"Surprise, babe!" He said with a laugh and gave her a kiss on the lips.

Tyler and I turned to each other with wide eyes.

Holy Crap.

This was it. 


I uploaded guys! I hope you like it, we're so close to the end! Comment/Vote, tell me what you think!<3

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