"Who do you think that you are? You can't just go around and drag people off to the forest!" Eleanor yelled at him. He stood there and put his hands in his pockets. Louis grabbed her elbow and tried to pull her away, but she yanked it out of his hand.

"Eleanor, calm down." Louis said. She then slapped Jay and stompeed away. Harry followed her.

"I am so sorry, mate. I will see you at the house." Louis said. He then followed the other two. I looked at Jay and he was holding his cheek.

"That hurt." He said. Nathan patted his back. We walked past Ella's grave. People were already filling it up with dirt. I squeezed Max's hand, tight. He pulled me into him as we walked. I saw Nathan and Jay race to the car. They looked like little kids, running. It made me smile a little.

We made it to the car and we got in. Max started to drive down the road. I looked at all the places that Ella and I got in trouble at. It was more Ella and Louis got me in trouble at.I felt some tears come out of my eyes.

"I really need to get that fixed.' I accidentally said out loud.

"What do you need to get fixed?" I heard Nathan say. I sighed and tried to think of an excuse.

"I am sorry. I was thinking out loud." I told them.

"Well contiue thinking and tell us what you mean."Jay said.

"I was talking about my eyes. I need to stop crying. I keep crying, what seems like, all the time." I confessed. Max grabbed my hand and kept driving.

"It is not a bad thing to cry. She was close to you. You are allowed to cry forever, if you feel like it." He told me.

"Okay, once again, that was a stupid love story line. But, thanks." I told them. I heard Jay and Nathan chuckle. We drove for about 30 minutes, before we all got hungry. We stopped off at a McDonald's.

We got our meals. I got a burger and fries, along with Max, Jay, and Nathan. We sat there and ate by the playplace. I watched all the little kids play and some of the older ones took double takes of us. Finally, a teen age boy and a teen age gril walked up to us.

"Are you part of The Wanted?" The boy asked. Max nodded his head.

"Wow, I nevver thought that I would meet you here!" The girl said. Jay laughed and stood up. He and Nathan gave them hugs.

"Max, get up, go talk with them." I whipsered to him.

"But I wanted today to be about you. Not me." He told me. I gave him a look and he got up. He gave them each a hug and took a picture with them. They all talked with their two fans. The girl then came over to me.

"Could I get a picture with you?" She asked. I stayed seated and Nathan took the photo. She gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"What was that for, sweet heart?" I asked her.

"You looked sad. I just want you and Max to be happy. Don't worry about what those other people say. You two are perfect. You two helped me and my boyfriend get together." She said.

"How old are you?" I asked her.

"I am 15 and he is 16. You two actually inspired us to go out." She said. No, we couldn't have done that.

"I am so glad that you two are going out." I told her. I gave her a hug. She and I tlaked while the guys talked. They had to leave. We took a group photo and they left. As they walked out the door, we sat back down and finished out meal. I heard some noises outside. I looked out the window to see an army of paparazzi and fans.

"Um, how are we going to get out of here?" I asked them. They looked and they saw what I saw. Jay messed with his hair.

"Are those our girls?" Nathan asked. I looked out and I saw that it wasn't. They were all directioners. I saw some of the signs. They said horrible things, like how Max should stop dating me and the usual ones that called me a slut.

"Let's make a mad dash for the car. Maybe we can wait it out, like we did with Kelsey and Tom." Max suggested.

"Let me get a refill." Nathan said. I went with him. He filled our sodas up and went to the door. Max put his arm around me and Jay got in the front, while Nathan took my left side. Jay opened the door and we went out. I looked at the ground, as the camera's flashed. Jay led us to the car. I hopped in the back seat, with Nathan and Max. Jay was in the front. We shut the doors and I looked at us.

Jay was sitting, perfectly normal in the front. Nathan, Max, and I were in total disarray. Nathan was alying in the seat, I was somewhat on top of him and Max was sitting on him and my legs. Jay started to laugh at us. We made a huge move and Nathan move to the front seat. Max and I got the back seat. I looked out the window and I saw all the girls. They surrounded the car.

Then a group of girls, wearing black hoodies, made it through the angry crowd. They stoo against the car and sheilded us from the people. They had "Caax for the win!" on the back on their shirts. 

"Is that our couple name?" I asked Max. He smiled and looked at the girls. There was barely any light coming in the car. Nathan turned a light on.

"I think that it is!" Max told me. They then started to sing something. I listened to it. I didn't recognize it. I looked at the guys and they were smiling like idiots.

"Have I ever told you guys that I never actaully bought a CD? I just listened to a couple of your songs. Maily the ones on vevo." I told them The girls kept singning.

"This is a song called Personal Soldier. Just listen." Max said. I listened to the girls sing it. They came to the chorus.

"I'll be your hero whose standing strong, Who protects you from any fight, And if your battles are piling on, I will take them on with all my might, Cry your tears on my shoulder,You don't know what the future holds, So I'll be your personal soldier!" They sang. I was going to cry. They continued the song. I just looked at Max and smiled.They finished the song. Then they started to sing Glad You Came.

Nathan and Jay started to sing with them. This was entertaining to me. We waited unitl the song ended. Then I heard the girls start to cheer. They walked away from the car and I saw that most of the people that came, had left. There were a couple of paparazzi left. I opened the door and so did the guys. They all looked at us.

"You all are amazing! Thank you!" I said to them. They came around and talked with us. I found out that there were a lot of The Wanted fans there, but there were a couple of One Direction fans. I gave them all hugs and they took a couple of pictures with us.

"I am sorry that most of us act like that." Said one of the fans.

"It is okay. I know that you guys just want what is best for your boys." I told them.

"No, they just don't want you to be dating Max. They are selfish and they are the ones that don't want to see any peace between our two fandoms." She corrected me. I smiled and gave her a hug.

"There will be peace, as long as people like you are here." I told her. Max then ushered me into the car.He and I sat in the backseat.

I saw that Jay was the one that was driving. I looked over at Max and he just smiled. On our way home, I sat in the middle seat and leaned against Max. Some where along the way, I had fallen asleep. I woke up when Max started to call my name.

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