"Hey." I said quietly.

"Max, Nathan, and Jay are outside in his car. I will see you when we get there." Louis said as he pulled me into a hug. I nodded and went out. I saw that the three of them were out of the car and leaning up against it. Max and Nathan were on their phones and Jay was looking over Nathan's shoulder.

"Are you guys ready?" I asked them. They looked up and smiled.

"Let's get going." Nathan said. He and Jay got in the back seat and I got in the passenger seat, in the front.

We got out of London and were on our way, before anyone talked. The only reason anyone said anything, was because I sniffled. I started crying. I remembered that Ella wanted to meet them. She didn't get a chance to.

"Cara, are you okay?" Jay asked. I didn't look at any of them. I didn't want them to see me cry anymore.

"Yeah, I am good. Just a stuffy nose." Damn it. My voice broke when I said nose. Why are my emotions betraying me today.Max then pulle the car on the side of the road.

"Love, look at me." He said. I did as he said and looked at him.

"If you need something, just let me know. I will do it for you." He said.

"Thanks, but let's just go." I told him with a smile. He then started to driva again. We got on the empty highway portion of the trip and Max put his hand on the console. I held his hand. It was nice. I felt calmer when he touched me.

"Jay, if you want to look, then you shouldn't have lost yours!" I heard Nathan say.

"Please, let me look!" Jay said in response.

"No, damn it! Get your own phone!" Nathan told him. Max then sighed.

"I am bigger than you. I can look over even if you use it!" Jay pointed out.

"Not if I do this!" Nathan said. I think that he hid it or something. Then I felt my chair get kicked. I looked in the mirror to see that they were fighting over the phone.

"JAY! NATHAN!" I turned and yelled at them. They stopped and looked at me.

"Hand the phone over. Because obviously you can not act like adults with it. So come on, hand it over." I said. Jay got back in his seat and Nathan reluctantly handed the phone over. I took it and placed it in the cup holder, next to mine. I looked at Max and he was smiling really big.

"And what are you smiling about Mister? I had to just discipline your friends!" I scolded him. He said nothing and kept driving.

"When can I have my phone back, mom?" Nathan asked. I sat there and started to smile. I did act like a mom.

"When you have thought about what you have done and realized how childish it was." I told him. I then saw Nathan hit Jay in the back of the head.

"Ow!" Nathan said as I smacked his leg.

"You deserved it." Jay said. I then took Nathan's phone and put it in my phone case. I held it up and took a photo of the two pouting. I unlocked his phone, because it didn't have a passcode. I posted the picture on twitter. The caption said: "Sitting in the backseat, pouting. Because Mom Cara took my phone away. #pouting"

"Are we going straight to the cemetary or to the church?" Max asked. I looked at the time. We only had 10 minutes left of the service.

"To the cemetery." I said. There was going to be a service at the funeral, for last goodbyes. We drove in and I saw that they had set up the area in the gazebo. There  were a ton of chairs already set out. I saw that Louis, Eleanor, and Harry were already there. We got out of the car and walked over to the area. I handed Nathan his phone back.

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