They started to throw tomatoes and other stuff at us. We had to run to the car. Max gave the beer to Tom. Kelsey jumped in the car and took the beer from Tom. He then got in and shut the door. Max and I then got in the car. I then saw that the girls had a bunch of signs. They were telling me to get rid of Max. One of them said something about me and Harry. I couldn't believe this.

They surrounded the car, so that Max couldn't get out. I heard Tom and Kelsey laughing in the back.

"Why are you two laughing?" I asked them. Tom calmed down so that he could explain himself.

"Kelsey told me that we don't have to worry about an army as long as there are a bunch of little girls that are pissed, we could end any war." He told me. It was pretty funny. The girls were screaming at us and Max just sat there.

"Max, are you okay?" I asked him. He looked at me and smiled.

"Yeah, I just didn't want this to happen." He told me. I grabbed his face and kissed him. I heard a bunch of girls start to scream in anger.

"You don't think that they would blow up the car or anything?" Tom asked. We stopped kissing to laugh. Kelsey then opened the beer box. She passed two up for us and I heard Tom and her open theirs. I guess that this was their way of giving up. I opened mine and started to drink it.

"They are really not going to give up for a while, are they?" Max said. I shook my head and he opened his beer. We sat in the car and talked about each girl that was around the car. There were a couple that we agreed that were pretty, but most of them were really young. It was sort of sad to see that they were acting like animals.

"Cara, do you want another beer?" Kelsey asked. I looked at mine and I saw that it was only half full.

"No, I am good, but thanks." I told her. Then my phone started to ring. It was Louis ring tone. I picked up my phone and I saw that he had texted me.

Louis: Cara, you need to come home, now.

Me: I can't at the moment, but I hope to there soon.

Louis: No, thats not good enough. Why can't you come home?

Me: A bunch of girls have ambushed us and we are waiting in Max's car, for them to leave.

Louis: show them my next text.

Me: okay...

Louis: Girls, this is Lou. Please stop this. I need Cara at my home.

I showed the text to them and they read it through the window. They started to move out of the way of the car. Max then started to drive out of the parking lot.

"Max, I need you to take me home. There is something wrong." I told him. He nodded and did as I said. We drove up to the house. I got out of the car and invited them inside. Tom and Kelsey brought the beer that was left over and Max walked with me to the door. Harry answered the door and let the four of us in. I saw that Louis was holding a pillow and Eleanor was trying to comfort him.

"Louis, what happened?" I asked him. I was getting really concerned. He looked up at me and got up. He pulled me into a huge hug and he was hyperventilating. This was breaking my heart to see him like this. I pushed him away from me and made him look at me.

"Louis, you had better tell me what is going on. Why are you acting like this?" I asked him. He took a deep breath in and wiped his face.

"Ella died. Someone hit her and her car rolled into a lake. There wasnt anything that any one could do for her." He said. My heart dropped into my stomach.

"Oh, God." I heard Max say. I then saw Kelsey walk over to Louis. She wrapped her arms around him and he stated to cry.  

I dropped to the floor. I felt Max's arms around me. She was dead. My best friend, my childhood friend, my sister. Dead. She was gone. I wasn't even there to say goodbye. I broke into a fit of tears. I looked up to see Kelsey still hugging Louis. He wasnt going to let go. Tom then got on the floor, next to me and Max. He put his hand on my face and he wiped some tears away.

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