We stopped talking around 11:00. It was nice, just to talk with the girls. They all went to their boyfriend's rooms and I told them not to make too much noise. They laughed and went in the rooms. I sat in my room, alone.


I woke up that next morning feeling strange. I wasn't sure why, but something was off. I tried to shake it off, but it just stayed with me. I grabbed a pair of jeans and a cute t-shirt. I knew that the guys had a bunch of interviews today, so the camera wasn't going to be on me. Even if they wanted to interview me, I wouldn't, at least not without Max.

I walked down the stairs and I saw that Harry, Zayn, Perrie, and Niall were sitting in the kitchen. I walked over to them and grabbed an orange juice. I stood there and looked at them. Zayn and Perrie weren't paying any attention to what was around them, Niall was enjoying his cereal, and Harry was trying ot have eye sex with me. I finished my juice and went to the living room. I sat on the couch and looked at my phone. Ella had already sent me a couple of texts. I just sat there and texted her back until it was time to leave.

We were in the van for about ten minutes, before we got to the radio station. I looked at the girls and I saw that they were pretty excited that we were there. We got out of the van and practically ran in. We were escorted to a lobby, near the radio booth.

"So how  are you and Max?" Harry asked as he sat next to me on the couch. He put his arm around the back of the couch.

"We are good. We are going out on a date, later." I told him.

"That is so cute. So where do you see the two of you in 5 years?" He asked. What was with him today?

"I hope that we will still be together. I don't really like to plan on the inevitable." I told him. He just smiled and looked around the room. I saw that Louis and Liam were talking with a woman and Zayn and Niall were already in the booth.

"What is that you want, Harry?" I asked him. I really hated these games that he played. He knew that I was with someone else.

"I want you to know that there are options, still. Better options." He whispered in my ear. He then started to nibble on my neck. I got up, quickly.

"Harry, I don't think that we will ever be together like you want. Please get over it." I told him. I stormed out of the room and went outside. I had forgotten about the girls and paparazzi. I just kept walking.

"What happened? Why are you leaving? Are you and Max still together?" They started to ask.

"No comment." I told them. I realized that I wasn't going to get through. I turned around and went inside the building. I walked back into the lobby and I saw that all of the guys were in the booth. I sat down and watched them. They were in there, for an hour.

"Cara! They want to know if you will talk with them!" Louis said as he popped his head out the door. I walked over to him. so that we didn't have to yell.

"What do they want to talk to me about?" I could have guessed it myself, but I wanted to hear him tell me.

"They want to talk to you about Max George." He told me.

"Only for a little while." I told him. He then let me in the room.

"She said that she will, for a little while." He said. The hosts cheered. I stood over by, Harry, because it was the only mic that didn't have two people on it.

"Cara, what are The Wanted like?" The female host asked. I then felt Harry's hand on my arse.

"They are all really nice to me. They are like a bunch of brothers." I told her. I flicked Harry's hand off, but he put it back.

"That is cute. Is there a difference between the fans?" The male asked.

"Yes, but I think that is just because of the age difference. I think that they are both lovely, though." I told them. Harry then squeezed his hand. I felt myself start to blush.

"Alright! Last question, what was up with that kiss yesterday? What was going through your mind? Why did you shove him against the glass?" The female ended with. I grabbed Harry's hand and slammed it on the table, before I answered.

"Well he teased me. I wasn't really thinking, when I did it. It was in the moment, sort of thing. Certainly you have been there." I told her.

"That was Cara Tomlinson and One Direction! I hope that the rest of you have a wonderful day and we will see you back here tomorrow!" The hosts said. It was over. I walked out of the booth, quickly and I sat on the couch. The rest of the boys filed out and came in the room. Zayn came over and sat next to me.

"Why were you so eager to get out of there?" He asked. I looked at him.

"I just was." I said as I looked at Harry. He smirked at me and gave me a wink.

"Where are we going, next?" I asked Zayn. He opened his phone.

"We are going to the studio, for a meeting. I hope that you can entertain yourself, because it might be a bit long." He said with a chuckle.

We left the radio station and went to the studio. It wasn't a very long trip. I thought that it was going to take forever to get there, but it really didn't. We walked in and I watched the guys go to a room. I sat down on a couch and started to text Ella.

I waited and hour, before anyone came out of the room. I saw that it was Harry to walk out of the room. He and I made eye contact.

"Come with me." He said as he walked to the bathroom. He walked in and I followed him. I walked over to the sink and turned it on. I then heard him lock the door. I turned around to see that he was perfectly fine.

"Harry, unlock the door. I am not afraid to hurt you, if you try to hurt me." I warned him. He stepped into me and trapped me against the sink. He put his hands on mine and kissed me. I pulled my face away from him and he started  to kiss my neck. I felt him start to give me a hickey. I then kicked him, in the groin. He backed away and I took my chance.

I ran out of the bathroom. I ran into the lobby area, where Niall was. He looked at me in a strange way.

"What were you doing in the men's restroom?" He asked. I panted and stood behind him.

"Harry had gone crazy." I told him. Harry then came out of the bathroom and I saw that he was pretty angry.

"Niall, I need to speak to Cara." He said. I grabbed Niall's wrist, so that he wouldn't leave.

"Harry, I think that you need to calm down. You can talk to her, later. We need to go back to our interview." Niall told him. He nodded and went in the room. I sighed and went back to the couch. I sat and waited, for anything to happen.

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