Chicken and Waffles

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••• Still Tyler's POV •••
Tyler watched the buildings fly past them as they went to Craig's apartment, he's been to LA before but he always liked seeing the tall buildings and not so tall buildings. "You hungry?" Craig asked only to be replied to by Tyler's growling stomach, he laughed. "I'll take that as a yes." Tyler smiled. "There's this chicken waffle place, think it's called Roscoes? I never been there... but you wanna try it?" Tyler looked at him, with the face of what-do-you-think. "I like waffles, and I like chicken. Sound good." Craig nodded.

<<< Time Skip! >>>

They parked right by the the place and went to the odd door that didn't exactly match with its surroundings. "I feel like a drug dealer." Tyler said as they opened the door. "Your drugs await." Craig said and couldn't help but laugh as they went into the restaurant. It didn't smell bad, maybe the food is actually good. They got seated and given their menu's. They looked at the menu's. "I want fried chicken and waffles." Tyler beamed as he set down his menu. "Bitch don't copy me, I was going to get the same thing." Tyler put both hands on the table." What? I said it first!" They both laughed as they were given their drinks. "Don't have too much fun you too." The waitress winking at them, Tyler blinked and looked over at Craig who was, blushing?
As they waited for their food they joked around with their forks and spoons and talked about what they were doing this week. They got their food, ate, than drove to Craig's apartment. As they were driving Tyler looked at the clock, it was only 4 in the afternoon.

[ Short ending because I was lazy.. .-. Thanks for liking my story, I'll update A Gamers Love maybe tomorrow. ]

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