Chapter 32

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Back to Jade's Point of View :)
I got detention, but surprisingly, she hasn't expelled me... Yet. I haven't done anything more, like pranks, but I still want a day to skip school. Oh well, it will have to wait to Year 11. I pulled down my dress slightly, making sure it didn't make any creases.

Did I tell you it's prom night?

I've had my hair done, so it sits dead straight, with some fancy hair thingy in the middle. The hairdresser I went to said most girls went curly, so I wanted to be different.

My make up was natural, but I've done some light smokey eye effect on my eyes, and I've got waterproof mascara on too. Light pink lipstick, not too much though, with Vaseline over the top.

"Jade!! Antonio is here!!" My Dad shouted. Oh yeah, I forgot he was driving us. I got my blue and silver clutch bag, took one last selfie and walked out of my room. Henry gave me a nod of approval, gave me a handshake and hurried me down the stairs. I so felt the love.


How is he that gorgeous?!
He was wearing a dark grey suit, his shirt tucked out, he had his tie a blue colour, sort of matching my dress, whilst he wore black shoes.

"Finished checking me out?" I blushed deeply, he knew my family were stood beside me. It reminded me of when we first met...

"Not quite," I smirked, whilst Antonio grinned, my Mother looked shocked, my Dad kept looking at his watch and Henry made sick noises in the background.

"Can we go? I haven't got all night!" My Dad said, getting impatient. We nodded and took hands, stepping out to looking at gorgeous DB6 Aston Martin, which was in the colour of light green.
Our school hired a place out, every year. But for your last year, you went somewhere special. Prom always starts at seven, we were fifteen minutes late. Oh well. We rolled in to a gravel driveway, Dad groaned. He did not like driving on gravel.

"You're cleaning this when you get home, young lady!" I laughed, I knew he would freak out if I even touched a wheel. I don't know what he'd think I'd do to it, but that's what men are like with their cars. I got Antonio's attention as I saw most of the year waiting and watching for cars to come. Eww, most of the girls were either in red, pink or pastel colours.

As we rolled up, all heads turned. This is how you arrive to prom!! All the boys looked stunned when Antonio and I got out of the car, whilst some of them took pictures and spoke to my Dad. A high squeal got my attention, as I saw someone run up to me.

"Jade, you look stunning!!" She spoke with excitement.

"So do you, Jess!" I replied. She was wearing a light pink long dress, with white high heels. She looked a bit orange from her fake tan though, but I didn't want to tell her that.

It has been an hour in, and already most girls took their shoes off. But mine stayed strong. We were at some Manor not far from Redwood. I couldn't remember the name though.

The theme was 007. How creative...
I've been dancing with Jess, Antonio and Emily mostly. But sometimes people in my year, that I haven't even seen before, boogy up to me and do crazy dance moves. They mostly wore brown shoes... That tells you something, doesn't it?

"Let's do the Char Char Slide' " the man said in the song. Everyone moved to the dance floor and took position.

"Baby, can we go outside a second?" Antonio asked, whilst we slid to the left.

"But I love this song!" I said, whilst turning around.

"It will only take a second!" He said, pleading. I hopped one step and quickly left the dance floor. He pulled me outside, and we went into a corner.

"Jade, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked. A smile crept quickly on my face. He has been the one there for me, since he first came, to now. I can't believe this is actually happening...

"Jade?" I blinked out of my day dream, I realised how weird I must've looked. I didn't answer, instead, I did what my insinct told me to do.
We kissed.

"I take that as a yes?" Antonio asked, with a big smile on his face. I nodded, whilst hugging him tightly. 15/07/15. I need to remember that. We walked back into the hot, smokey Manor, hand in hand. As I wished this was how it will always be.
Writer's Notes: Finished!!!! I hope you liked it! Please comment and vote, it will mean a lot! Thank you for 700+ reads! :)

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