Chapter 23

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Back to Jade's Point of View, I hope you liked the last chapter :)


I couldn't believe what happened yesterday. The whole thing with Antonio and Peter took me by suprise. I wasn't ready to see another fight. I was shocked about how much they both cared for me.

Sam put the video up on Facebook and they got so many likes, it was unreal. I didn't realise how Antonio looked at me, but from seeing it at a different angle, I can tell he definitely cares. Which is reasuring!

I still can't believe that I haven't got told off for my uniform yet. I mean, it's quite obvious the teacher's hate it. So why aren't they telling me off? Even Henry was suprised at how long I'm keeping this up for. But it's good that Louise hasn't come up to me, in a while. But, why were they fighting? I heard rumours saying something happened in English, but no one exactly knows what. But I talked to a friend and she said they had a fight because Antonio called Peter a pig. How lame is that?!

Seriously, you don't just insult someone and then it turns into some sort of fight. Honestly, guys these days. They are so complicated. But then again, I bet they feel the same way about girls.

First though, I want to skip school. For a day. I don't care who with, but it's something I've always wanted to do. I opened my locker and saw my timetable for today. Georgraphy, ICT, Maths, double science. Wait, I never knew I had double science!!!! That's so unfair! Then it dawned on me that this was the day a few months ago when I punched Louise in the nose. HA.

I laughed, got my stuff out, shut the door and screamed. You wandering why? Well, Antonio was standing behind me and had a water pistol out. The moment I turned round I got soaked! He laughed at me, and so did everyone else who saw.

Luckily I was prepared, in a second I opened my locker and saw my water pistol. Then quickly I turned around to attack Antonio, but I see he isn't there. People saw my confused face, and laughed, but helpfully someone shouted

"He went that way!" I shouted thank you, and charged for the exit. I see him sprinting across the PE field. I swear he was going like, eighty mph. Are you forgetting something? I do running! I laughed then sprinted towards him, doing my best to chase him. It worked, and after a few seconds I caught up to him.

He didn't notice I was that close, so I squirted water at his back and he screamed! Like a girl too! I tried my best not to laugh, but it didn't work. For a second I forgot we were on the athletics track, and both of us wanted to see who was fastest.

So we decided to do a full lap of the track. We were still armed with our water pistols. As we counted to one, I ran started to run as fast as I could. I could hear heavy panting behind me, which meant he was getting closer, so I picked up my pace. I didn't look back but the panting became distant. I continued running and crossed the finished line.

Looking behind me I saw Antonio slowing down, which meant I won! Shame on you, shame on you! I heard cheering and turned round. Realising that the whole year had been watching me. Why does this always happen to me? It's always the same - I do something embarrassing and the whole year see me.

Eventually Antonio crossed the line and he got quite a few cheers too, but I greeted him with the water pistol. He looked thankful for the cool down. He then noticed the crowd, and opened his mouth in shock, whilst apparently blushing.

"What on earth - JADE! I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN, MY OFFICE NOW! YOU TOO!" I touched my ears because the megaphone was quite loud. We got 'oohhhh' from the crowd

"AND YEAR TEN, BACK TO SECOND LESSON!" I finally recognised the voice as to be the one and only Head teacher. Antonio grabbed my hand as we walked down to her office. Which got me thinking. Does he like me? Does he love me? No Jade, that's going too far, you've only known him for a few days! But - No! He doesn't like you. Life is so hard, especially as my self-conscience is so God damn annoying! Oi, I heard that! Of course you did.

"Now, would you two like to explain yourselves?" She said as we sat down in her office. I slouched into my chair as always and folded my arms.

"Well, we had a water fight, Miss! And then we had a race, and she won!" He mumbled the last bit, aw, he is too ashamed of loosing! I tried so hard not to laugh, and I knew if I looked at him I would crack.

"I saw. I have a question to ask, then I will tell you your punishment!" Oh no. "How on earth do you have water pistols?" I couldn't hold it in, and I burst out laughing. I was almost crying, too.

"We bought them in from home. She didn't know what I was going to do. Sorry Miss!" I couldn't take it, I had to look at him. As I did, he was looking at me, and smiled. Which got my heartbeat beating so much faster.

"Punishment, pick one: a) suspended for a week b) you are separated from seeing each other c) You're not allowed to go to prom d) all of the above" We gasped and had a mental conversation. We nodded and both said


"You have no choice, it's all of them." She said, with an evil smile. Oh God.

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