Chapter 12

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I never knew that I could talk to a toilet seat, been nice talking, but I don't have time for ur shit, because you see, I go to another toilet...

Ok, I know you aren't meant to reply to threat texts, but to be honest, I'm not going to let Louise get to me. Like I did before. I am going to be the bigger one, she is only starting a long argument. Which is probably going to last all year. Hearing the bell go off, I did a loud sigh (so everyone could hear, they all looked at me as I speedly packed my things into my bag)

"Thank God that's over!" I said, walking out, without looking at the shocked crowd. I am on my way to Art, but I see Louise walking towards me. Oh what fun. I keep my head high and smile. It was a genuine, not a fake one. Like Louise.

She looked really annoyed. I burst out laughing, and so did everyone who saw. You know when Jess said Ollie and that would make fun of Louise? Well, they just did. Only it was more of a bully. And I don't like bullies, even though she is my enemy. I stopped laughing, seeing she didn't get up straight away, and held my hand for her. She took it, gladly. I could tell she was still quite angry, but we used to be best friends. And with all that she has done to me, I am going to be the bigger person.

"Thanks," she said, and I don't think she was was lying

"You're welcome!" I said, people walked by, looking at us. Thinking how could they possibly have been friends.

"I'm sorry!" She said, which took me by suprise. We start laughing and hug. Ok, I am the forgiving type. I know what she has done is unforgetable. But to be honest, all I really wanted was to have her as my friend again.

"I liked your comeback, by the way!" she said and I laughed

"Sorry for punching you!" I replied and she nodded. We both had art so we walked in together. Which was a great shock to everyone. I love suprsing people.


Sleepovers, I love them. I have spent a lot of time with Peter that I haven't spent any time with the girls. So, I created a group chat on Facebook. With Jess, Lousie, Ellie, Freya, Emily and Lizzie. I had lots of replies saying they could come. But then Jess replied with:

We could invite Sam, Peter and their mates... ;)

Me: Nah-uh, this is strictly girls only!

Louise: Oh come on, you know you want to ;)

Me: You heard me, no! :P

Ellie: Why would you want to part with your boyfriend? :P

Me: I feel like I've been parted from you guys for too long! So no boys!!!!

Freya: I diffinitely saw her nod in agreement! :P

Me: Did not!

Everyone: Did tooo!!!

Me: Ergh :/

Jess: So that's a yes? Do I sence a party coming on? ;) :P

Me: NOOOOO!!!!!!!

Everyone: YESSSSSSSS!!!!!!

I signed out of Facebook. God I love those girls but they can be annoying. I plan for a sleepover, and the next thing I know is we are having a party. Greaatttt. I got a text from Jess saying to come to hers, now. It said to bring all of the dresses and playsuits that I own. What has she got me into? I start doing as she says, packing my bag, it was about four in the afternoon. I put my make-up in my bag, go downstairs to get my heels, whilst putting on my converses

"Mum, is it alright if I go for a sleepover round Jess's?" I know it isn't the truth, but I don't think she'd appriciate me going to a party on a friday. Because I am so cool like that. She thinks of me as a baby still, even though I am in year ten.

"That's fine, darling! Don't go to bed too late,"

"Mummm, it's a friday!!!!" I joked, but I nodded and gave her a kiss, before leaving the house and walking to Jess's house. I knocked on her door, four million times, just so as she knows it is me. I know, I am such a loving friend. I just hope and pray that there is going to be no alchahol.

Yeah I have drunk the odd glass, but it just does not look fun. Getting drunk, why would you want to? I also hope Peter's lot don't bring the drinks too. I wander how many people are actually coming?

"Just all the boys and thingys boyfriend too," Oh damn, I said that out loud, I did not think I would become the person that does that. We headed to her bedroom and she started looking through my items of clothing. I bet you she won't find anything! Alas, she did. God, I sound like an old person thinking that. I bet you haven't heard of that before? Well for those who haven't, it means like unfortunately, or in regret or something. Ask your Mum and Dad, they will know. I hope.

She picked out a playsuit, which I prefer more than dresses, which was dark red. Yeah, I have the same playsuit in different colours, what? You have to wear a colour in the right season!

"Lets get this party startteeeddddd!" She said really slowly and in a hyper way. Oh and there she goes, puting selfies on snapchat with me in my playsuit. I wander who actually see's her stories. I help her with her outfit, and we sort out fizzy drinks and soft drinks. Obviously our good friend, good old tap water. Well, wish us luck!


Writer's notes:

So, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I bet you didn't see it coming! :P What do you think will happen at the party? Will it be the normal clique where everyone gets drunk? Or just a no alchahol (is that how you spell it?) party? Please comment and vote etc. The next chapter will be interesting! :P

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