Chapter 14

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As if life wasn't complicated enough! Finding out that the person who you liked, liked you back - that's practically unheard off! Especially in middle school. I couldn't stop thinking about it! I feel bad too, because I'm going out with Peter, I wander what he said about it? I also wander what I can do to prank the boys. I was sitting with Emily in PE. It was theory and we had finished the work.

"I've got it!" Emily practically shouted, I'm certain I heard an excited scream, which made the whole class look over in our direction. I laughed, it's embarrasing, Louis, Dan, Matt, Niall, Nicole, Ellie, and some other people who I'm on good terms with, laughed with me. Rolling my eyes, I look at Emily to see what she was on about.

"Basically," I already knew it was going to be a long paragraph, she breathed and carried on, in a whisper "Right, so you know the party, well loads of people were taking pictures right, well most of them are mug shoots of the guys, and if we get hold of them, we could some how make them worst and then tag them in the pictures on Instagram and Facebook..." I'm not too sure, I just want it to be funny, not horrible.

"Orrrrr," Oh God, when was she going to stop talking? "Whilst Dan and that are doing PE, we could sneak into the changing rooms, and go on there phones, and make it up from there..." That sounded like a good idea, but how would we look - sneaking into the guys changing rooms?

"Is your social life getting in the way of school, girls?" We both jumped. We didn't realise that Sir came back, and he is strict.

"Yes Sir!" We both cheekily retorted, at the same time. The whole class laughed. He sighed and didn't give us a detention. For the first time in my life I haven't got a detention for talking!


Please tell me, have I gone mad? Am I in a dream? Are we really doing this? And my tummy grumbles, again. I'm not even hungry! This must be serious! Ok, it's the next day and all the guys are outside playing football, and we have double PE. Because of my amazing acting, I pretend that after running two laps (which didn't take too long, I enjoy running!) of fartlek training, that I felt like I was going to faint. So now we are in the boys changing rooms. And it stinks.

"Got it!" Emily exclaimed. We both sat down and giggled. This was Dan's phone. Which made me feel slightly bad. But nevertheless, he was involed in me getting an Ice bucket thrown on me. It has to be done. It was easy to get into his phone, there was no password or anything. Once done, we went onto his Facebook, and updated his status. What? He didn't sign out!

"Do you think this is too far?" Emily asked, concerned at what she put.

Status: I'm in maths today, and a questions come up. Can anyone tell me, what is 2x2? No joke, I suck at maths :'(

"Hmm, no idea, do it anyways. Let's do Louis's one a little meanier. Dan got let off lightly!" I said. We also changed his profile picture, so it didn't show him, but it was us. I know he'll know it was us, but that's the whole point. We were pulling the most ridiculous faces. We put his phone back into his blazer pocket and decided to get Louis's phone. These guys don't have passwords, why am I not suprised? Actually scratch that, I'm really suprised. What could we do to him? We go through his WhatsApp and clicked on the guys group. They go on it regually!

"Hahaha, look what I put..." I showed Emily and she had a silent laughing fit.

I put: No joke, I've found the cupboard to Narnia, can u guys help me i dont wanna go aloneeeeeeee xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

And then we both stopped grinning. Peter was typing. Oh god. And then we see Sam typing. They are meant to be in class! Mind you, so were we!

Peter: wtf, you are missing PE, its ur fave subject! And what's with the kisses?

Sam: Dude, where is it?

We couldn't control our laughter! They actually believed him!!!

Louis (Emily): Cos i loveeeee youuu guyysss and pffttt I've found Narnia I don't need PE... besides you're the one who is in love Jadeeeeee xxxxxxxxxxxx

I gave her an evil glare which made her laugh even more. God she is pushing it now, she's made it so obvious!

Peter: Yes I am, but this doesn't explain why ure out of PE *confused face*

Sam: Man, just tell me where it is or so help me I will tell everyone you have a crush on Jade's best friend Emily!

We looked at each other, idiotically. She blushed. Well, I can't blame her.

Louis (me): Gotta go, coach is looking for moi, love you guysssss! xxxxxxxxx


By now it had gone round the whole year and it was really funny seeing all the guys faces. So funny, that when we sat near them in the Refrectory, we couldn't keep a straight face.

Loads of people liked Dan's status and profile picture, and Louis... well, he was just, confused? Matt, who we did a prank on after, just gave us the evils - and the rest of the guys were trying their hardest not to laugh. When the rest of our friends sat down on the table, Emily and I got high fives from all of them.

The guys just stared at our table, and so did everyone else, if I'm honest. We were making such a racket. It was a happy time, ok? Untill eventually my whole friendship group went into fits of laughter at a joke that Emily said. We didn't tell them about Louis liking Emily.

"Really girls, it wasn't that funny!" We all jumped and then laughed harder when we saw all of their serious faces.

"Well that's what you get for messing with us!" Said Emily, as she did so, I saw Louis blush, but he quickly hid it. That's cute!

"God, we only put freezing cold water over Jade!" This was Sam, who looked extremely annoyed. By now everyone was listening to our conversation.

"If you prank one of us, you prank all of us!" Jess replied. To that, I did our handshake. Well, I, for one, would say that this is one of my favourite days. I think this is now a prank war... I wonder how long this will last? But now all we had to worry about was - what were they going to do next?


Writer's notes: I hoped you liked it! Please comment, vote etc. It will mean a lot :)

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