Chapter 17

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I'm meant to be asleep. But, under these circumstances, I had better things to do. At the moment I am on my laptop, on Facebook. You guessed right, I'm trying to find the video. And suprise, suprise, it's on Louis's profile. Oh my, he has it when I accidently kicked the ball over to her.

I've decided not to call her by her name, she is now Le Toilette. i know, French, but effective. LT for short. Wow, I was actually good, I never knew I could run that fast. Turns out when I thought nobody could see us, it was in the middle where everyone could see. I decided to read the comments.

Emily: Yes, Jade!

Louis: Who knew she was so good at punching Louise? :')

Ollie: Bet she though thought it was the second best thing this year, remember science?

Louis: How could anyone forget?

Peter: Do u lot have no sympathy for either of them?

Jess: For Jade, yes, Louise, no.

She got about thirty likes for that. I love Jess, I really do.

Peter: Louise got the worst out of it

How long ago was that... one minute. I can reply.

Me: No one cares.

Louis: Jade speaks the truth

Niall: What he said!

Definitely liking that. Wow, I hope the sound isn't on, I'm getting lots of likes at the moment. Wait, Dan's profile pic is still of me and Emily! Why hasn't he changed it?

Peter: Auto correct, I'm sure there is meant to be a 'about me' there.

Me: Oh, my mistake: No one cares about Peter or Louise.

I wish I could see his face. I then chose to read but not reply, I clicked on Dan's profile and liked his profile picture. We got over two hundred likes. Best to sleep this through, at least it's friday tomorrow.


I didn't hear my Mum speaking to me, but she opened the blind, as usual. I opened my eyes as she smiled at me, I tried to smile back. Memories of yesterday were flooding in. I found my jeans, I mean school trousers. My 'school' shirt, and did my tie twice as messy as before. Putting my hair into a small messy bun, I remembered I had isolation. Great fun. I groaned as I remembered detention was every night this week. I slumped down into my chair as I ate my yogurt.

"Are you alright, sweety?"

"Not really, I've got isolation for the rest of this week and detention!" She laughed at my grumpy face,

"Jade, I never knew you were such a good fighter!" He waved his phone in my direction and showed Mum the video.

"I'm sorry I had a go at you, darling, seeing the video and comments, everyone but your ex seems to be on your side!" I nodded and went upstairs to do my make up. It took me longer than usual, I was too busy thinking. It looked like a nice day, so I just took my blazer and not my jumper.

As usual I put my blazer in my bag, at least I wasn't wearing it in the fight. I said bye to them both as I walked to the bus stop, making sure I had my earphones. I sat right at the back today, sorted my music so it played 'All cried out' by Blonde.

The journey was incredibly slow today. We eventually made it to the second stop, I stared out of the window, making sure I didn't make any eye contact with anybody. I didn't even look to see who sat next to me.

"Jade," I just want time to think, isn't that all a girl can ask for? I turn around to see who the voice belonged to. Can't he just - ouch! Can I not do a day without breaking into a fight? I didn't bother to retaliate, it hurt so much, that I just gave up trying. Seeing I was ignoring him, he moved seats. With my stinging cheek, I tried my best to defend my self

"Good ridence!" I shouted at him. It was the best I could do. He turned around, suprised, and joined Matt. Rolling my eyes, I change the song to 'Shake it off' by Taylor Swift. Laughing to myself, I continued to stare into the world.

"What's so funny?" I jumped out of my seat, looked around and saw Niall, to my suprise.

"I'm listening to Shake it off by Taylor Swift, I thought it was funny, considering the time I'm having." I replied, whilst rubbing my hand on my cheek, it's really sore.

"Yeah, look, I hope you're ok, I know you really liked Peter!" Shocked by his kindness, I nodded slowly

"I did really like him, but he is a dick. I will get revenge, some day, some how." His face was hilarious.

"Well, that I'd love to see!" He said, giving me a wink. We got to school after that and I walked into my worst nightmare. Isolation. The worst place.

"Right, if you have never been here before. Isolation is a form of detention where pupils are typically put in a room away from their classmates and are not allowed to talk to anyone. So, I've asked your teachers for work, get on with it." I was put into a small room the furthest away from LT.


First day of isolation, done. One down, five to go. Detention was as long as anything, and LT never showed up. It was an hour long, so I just had my feet on the table, with my legs crossed, and listened to 'I could be the one' by Avicii on repeat. I can never get tired of it. I didn't get told off, but I could tell the teacher got annoyed that LT never turned up. She let me go and I walked quickly out of the school.

Once I got home, I found the whole of my friendship group waiting for me. With LT. I mockingly salute them and walked up to my steps.

"Aren't you wandering why we are all here?" asked LT, with the most evil tone ever in existence.

"Well apart from you, Toilette, they are all my best friends, so why wouldn't they be here!" It was more of a statement, then a question. I heard a cruel laugh from her, then she spoke to my friends

"See what I mean?" They all nodded, including Jess! Emily didn't though.

"Look, I don't care what you say, Louise, I would never be a traitor to Jade. Do what you like, you'll all pay for it." I was really confused, but smiled as she went to stand next to me. I watched as they all left, without even looking guilty. I looked at Emily, looked back at my ex-friends, and started crying.

My life sucks. Loosing Grandad, loosing my boyfriend, and loosing my best friends. I'm rolling and rolling down a cliff, bruises everywhere, mentally and physically in pain. No one can stop me, gravity wins. They win. I guess that's what happens when you fight with LT.

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