Chapter 10

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With all that's going on, I don't need this. Right now, I am supposed to be in maths. It's a new day. Mummy did not know, so it was a cheerful evening... not! She cried for hours, and when Henry found out he gave us the silent treatment. Daddy was there to give us all sympathy, but I think his eyes were quite watery.

Peter is standing next to me, he wants to talk to me about something. I don't know what, he has sympathy in his eyes. Too bad we have maths - with the most awful teacher.

"Jade, I felt like crying yesterday..." Peter started of saying

"Why?" I ask gently. We are going to be in trouble soon!

"I care about you so much, seeing you so upset made me feel depressed. I know this is suprising. But what happened yesterday was such a shock to me. It made me realise... Jade, I need to ask you a question," I think I'm blushing now, but to be honest, I don't care! Peter is actually saying this to me!!! It's so cute!!!!

"Will you go out with me tomorrow night?" OH MY GOD!!!!! My mouth dropped, but I quickly closed it again. With my heart beating fast and my face going bright red, I nodded and (whilst jumping up and down) said

"Yeah sure! I'd love to!!!" A little too excitedly. Everything from that moment on was so much better, I think I am hyper. Grinning like idiots, we opened the door to maths. I mouthed to Peter 'Don't tell anyone!' and he nodded. All heads turned to see us, and everyone had their mouths open! Miss was writing something on the white board, so we sneakily sat down. Getting things out of my bag, I glance at Jess to see her staring at me. We hoped miss didn't see us come in thirty minutes late.

"And what time do you call this?!" Oops, I thought too soon.

"10:15 Miss..." I replied with a sarcastic tone, looking around I saw Peter and we made eye contact, causing him to grin and wink at me!

"Mrs Wright! I do not appreciate that type of retaliation in my class, get out, now!" For some reason I found everything really funny, maybe it was my date with Peter. Laughing, I slowly walked out of the room

"Quicker, Jade!" This made me laugh ten times harder, causing me to open the door with a pull and not a push. Which made the whole class go into fits at my reaction.

Ouch. Banging your head on the door actually really hurts! This made me laugh even more. It took me at least ten minutes to stop, so Miss kicked me out. Not literally. There was a table right next to the door of the classroom, so Miss gave me a few sheets on ratio, and told me to work here.

Luckily, I could see Jess, because of the way the tables are, you could look in and see her. So I took this as an advantage of being sent out. Firstly I started pulling faces. I started off with moving my eyebrows up and down, then I stuck my tounge out. It's hilarious seeing your best friend trying not to laugh. Hearing the bell, I left the work sheets on the desk, and put my maths book in my bag. Jess was the first one out, so we just ran, escaping the witch! After we were safe, Jess stopped us, I knew what was coming.

"Jade, what happened? You and Peter were blushing like mad when you came in! Maths was jokes though!!!" She added. Well, time to 'spill the beans', as they say. Taking a deep breath, I said

"Don't say a word to the others, but," I took another breath "Peter-and-I-are-going-on-a-date!" I said really quickly, but somehow she understood what I said, she hugged me so tightly that I almost fell over.

"Awwwwwwww!!! You've got a first date!!!!! You've got no choice, I am helping you get ready!!!!"

Writer's Notes:

I know this is short - ish, but I hope you enjoyed it! Please comment to tell me your favourite bit!! I can't wait to start the next chapter! What do you think of Jade and Peter? :) Please vote etc.!

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