Chapter 4

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I ran downstairs, luckily Mum and Dad were at a hotel, and won't be back until late in the evening. They wanted to spend some time alone this weekend, whilst my older brother was at his girlfriend's house. I nodded to Jess as I got ready to open the door, why did she invite them? They were like the "popular" boys in my middle school, but now we all have different groups and everyone is popular in their own way. Opening the door, I saw Sam first. He looked hot, he was wearing tight black trousers and a white top that looked tight on him. I bet you it was to show off his six pack! Why do boys do that?

"Jade, Jess, thanks for inviting us!" He said, with a genuine smile. He stepped into my house, making sure there was no mud on his trainers, and took them off.

"Hey Jade..."  Woah, and i thought Sam looked hot today!

"Hey, come on in!" He smiled and winked at me. Oh God, help! Peter was wearing dark red skinny trousers and a black, tight top.

"So, what do you guys wanna do?" Jess asked them, going pink? I'll ask her about that later!

"Where's your room?" asked Sam, out of the blue, why does he want to know that?

"Erm, upstairs, I'll show you if you want!" And with that, I led Sam, Peter and Jess to my room. Has it got hot in here all of a sudden? I opened my door, Jess's air bed was half pumped and her clothes were on the floor, with the sleeping bag adding to the mess.

"Who is that?" Peter asked, luckily he wasn't bothered by the mess. Worried, I looked over to see where he was pointing. Oh. I forgot to mention to you that I am one of the few people who are into cycling, I go to races whenever I can get the chance. My inspiration is Mark Cavendish, the photo on the notice board was one of his sucessful years of the Tour de France, he was leading the Pelaton.

"Oh, erm, that is Mark Cavendish. He is my idol." I said, feeling slightly embarrased.

"Nice!" I looked in the corner of my eye and saw   Sam   kiss   Jess   on   the   cheek... what!!! After that... suprise, I suggested to go downstairs and watch a film. Which eveyone was happy to do. I was  making popcorn when I heard raised voices coming from the living room. What's going on now?

"Guys, why are you arguing?" I said. I suddenly saw Sam arguing with Jess about watching Women in Black, and Peter wanting to watch... Shaun of the Dead? He was punching Sam, trying to get his attention. They were all on the floor, sitting and behaving like children.

"Oiiii!!!" I shouted, whilst clapping my hands in a sequece. Don't look at me like that, how else am I meant to get their attention? Peter stopped punching Sam and looked up at me, whilst Jess was the last one to notice me standing here, with my arms crossed.

"This is what we are going to do. Peter, heads or tails?" I've never seen him so shocked before, I was trying not to laugh!

"Tails!" He said, after a long pause. Right, I think I have a 10p coin in my pocket, yes there it is. I tossed the coin and it landed on heads, much to Peter's dissappointment.

"So, we are going to watch Women in Black. Now, that wasn't so hard, was it?" Jess still wanted to protest, but I wasn't letting her. Besides, I needed to get back to the popcorn!

"Jade," Peter compained, we were half way through the film by now, at the bit where he is trying to rescue the young girl and - no, don't go, you'll see her - well I tried to warn him. Best of luck to him now.

"Stop hogging the popcorn!" Peter finished his sentence. After I settled the arguement, we agreed on the film, although they didn't have much choice. The vote was three against one, because Jess was still complaining as she hates scary films. The seating arrangement on the sofa was me on the edge, Jess next to me, Sam next to Jess (I am going to ask her what is going on between them!) and Peter next to Sam. I decided to throw a piece of popcorn at him, what, he asked for one!

"Hey, at least aim for my mouth next time!" He complained

"If you two aren't watching the film, go somewhere else!" said Jess, getting annoyed at us.

"Oooohh do you two want to be alone!?" I said, teasing them both, which earned me the evils from Jess.

"Yes Sammy!" Peter joined in, I take it Sam doesn't like being called 'Sammy' Because the next thing I see is Sam play fighting Peter. Peter won, because he leaned across the sofa, squishing both Sam and Jess in the process, to get a handful of popcorn from me and threw it at Sam.

"Yo, Jade?" Said Peter,  I blushed, I still haven't got used to the idea of having these two around.

"Yes Peter?" I asked him, I turned to look at Peter, to see him staring at me. Our eyes made contact as he asked

"Can I have your number?" Woah! One  minute, did that just happen? OMG! Is this a dream? Are you sure I am awake? Someone pinch me!!

"God you two!" Said Sam, his eyes glued to the TV, what is his problem?

"Go get a room!" Replied Jess            


It was time for the boys to go, as my parents were going to be home soon, sadly. But we all had a great time, and Peter was taking loads of pictures of us four. We have definitiely got closer, if that was even possible. Guys, guess what? I think Sam and Jess are going out. Lucky for her!

"Thanks for inviting me, Jade!" Sam said, giving me a hug! "Be sure to hang out with us at school!" Sorry, did he just say that?!

"If we remember! Well, I'm sure Jess will remind me!" I added, seeing my best friend go red! HA!

"Don't worry, Babe, I'll text you!" OMG!!! With that they both left. Well, I think that was the best day I have ever had! Secretly I am glad that Jess phoned Sam up, but don't tell her that! We tidied up the sofa as there was bits of popcorn eveywhere, that's the last time I'm having a popcorn fight! My parents will never know! After we sorted out the popcorn mess, we made our way to my room. We sorted the mess out and I felt like it was the perfect moment to ask Jess whats going on!

"Jess!" I shouted, she was texting Sam, again! God, he only just left!

"Yeah Jade?" Still not concentrating

"What's going on with you and Sam?" She blushed!! HA!! I knew she liked him!! GUYS, SHE NODDED!!!!!! They're going out!!!! I gave my best friend the longest hug ever!!! Monday is going to be so different!

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