Chapter 13

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Waking up, I see all of the girls. Grabbing my phone I looked at the time - 10:15am. Wow, we stayed up late, and slept in late! I also saw loads of notifications, like the usual, because annoyingly Jess tags me in everything she puts up.

I was in my sleeping bag, in her sitting room. Struggling, I untangled my self from the sleeping bag and put my onsie on (it was a penguin one!). Don't you just hate it when you wake up first when you're round somebody's house?

I opened our door and started heading towards the kitchen. Then, I noticed something was up. Now, I know for a fact that Jess's Mum and Dad go to work about seven - ish. Unless one of them is ill (which is very unlikely), I shouldn't be able to smell burnt toast that someone made four hours ago. I heard whispers, and then -

"AHHHH!!!! OMG I'M GONNA KILL YOU GUYS!!!" Yeah that was me. Do you wanna know what just happened? Well, as it's nearing the summer... Do you remember the Ice Bucket challenge? Well, that just happened to me. And I was soaking wet, and in my onesie too! It was also freezing cold!

"Best one yet!!!" I heard someone say, realising it was Sam, I punched him. And he had his phone out. I then realised who else was there.

Peter (who was wetting himself!), Louis - who was in a worse state than Peter, Niall - who was laughing, thanks for the sympathy guys. Oh and Matt, Dan and I think that is it. They must've stayed when we thought they left. God, boys and manners. Somehow they never seem to match. (No offence to those who do, it's just I haven't really seen a boy who is polite, I don't think my younger cousine counts, I'm talking about boys in Year 10!)

"Did you video that?" After I recovered, I also grabbed my hair and flicked it towards Peter, who got a little wet. He gave me a sympathetic look, some how, in between his laughter.

"Yep, and that is going on Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat. Actually that's a lie, it's already on Facebook and it's got over fifty likes already!" Sam said with a satisfied face. Oh they are so going to regret that. How have none of my friends woken up yet? After my scream, I would've woken up the whole neighbour hood!

"Oh, I am so getting you guys back! Just you watch!" I said threatingly. They all pretended to look scared. I will think of something! I go to the cupboard and get some cereal (coco shredies - and fill the bowl all the way to the top), I never realised how hungry I was. Jess won't mind, I live in her house and she lives in mine!

After I finish my shreddies I go to the fridge and get a yogurt. This is more like snack time to me, I normally eat breakfast about eight. I ignore the boys, what? Food is way more important. I also put some toast in the toaster. Mmm, I just love breakfast. It is my favourite meal of the day, along with lunch, a snack and dinner. I make some toast.

To be honest I completely forgot about the boys and when I sat down to eat my Nutella on toast, I saw every single one gawking at me.

"What's up?" I asked them, after I finished my mouthful.

"I have never seen a girl eat so much before in my life!" That was pretty much the answer I got from all of them.

"Well... I'm hungry!" I said, laughing.

"Jade! There you are!" About time too. Jess had woken up. I think she is still half a sleep too, at least she is in her onesie.

"Why are you soaking wet?" She looked at me, and then her eyes looked like they were about to pop out, as she realised all the boys were still here. All I can say is, when you have a party: Make sure you invite people you trust, know, can have fun with, and who don't drink! Oh flip. We played truth or dare last night. How could I forget?


We sat in Jess's living room, we got the twister board out so that it could decide who to pick. Peter was next to me and so was Louis. I kissed Peter on the cheek and he did the same. It landed on Jess

"Truth or dare?" Matt asked, evily

"Truth" Bad mistake there, Jess. Everyone knows to pick dare!

"Are you and Sam still together?" I saw them both blush and everyone laughed. That was a waste of a truth, if you ask me. It was Jess's turn, and - damn! It lands on me!

"Truth or Dare?" She asks, with a huge smile on her face. Could everyone quit staring at me?

"Dare" I said quickly and easily.

"I dare you, to sing your favourite song, in a scottish accent!" Wow. Just wow. I looked round and saw that it was Louis who said it. My favourite song was 'See you again' by Wiz what-ever-his-name-is-that-I-can't-pronounce. So I tried my best, but lets just say, singing and having a scottish accent isn't my forte. I saw Sam video me, but everyone was laughing with me so I didn't mind.

After I finished I took a bow, and everyone clapped. I tried not to laugh but everyone else was on the edge of crying. This time it landed on Dan. I'm not going to lie, I fancied him for a bit. But that was ages ago, that was year eight times. Middle school times, to be precise.

"Truth or Dare?" I ask him

"Truth!" He said, God is everyone a coward or something? Why isn't no one doing dares!?

"Who did you fancy in middle school?" Seriously! I looked at Jess with a frown, she laughed.

"Jade" he said, quietly.

*End of flashback*


Writer's notes: I hoped you enjoyed the Chapter! Please tell me what you think of it! Please vote, comment etc. :) What will Jade do for revenge? :P

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