Chapter 20

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We had PE, and the whole class were in shock once we walked in. We've been getting the same reactions all day. I hit my hand on my head, Emily had a confused face on, and I reminded her.

"We have Pe today!"

"Yes that's why we are here!" She said, in a sarcastic way, making everyone laugh. Which was good, because that means that people could start to like me again.

"No shit! But it's practical!" She looked at me as if I told her that aliens were about to kidnap us. Then the whole class were suddenly remembering. Everyone had forgotten. We were all trying to think of ways that could make him forget about it. Loads of them forgot about me which was good.

A few people came up with silly suggestions such as: 1) Get him locked in a store cupboard - I know, I mean, how could that possibly make him forget? 2) Get him to tell his life story and then he will be side tracked in the mists of his past 3) Prank him - That's not impossible as Emily and I have a lot to do with pranks, but that wouldn't make him forget 4) Tell him the truth - I think Dan said that, I looked at him and he gave me a look. It wasn't a 'I'm going to kill you' look, or a 'love' look, it was more of a 'missing you' type of look. If that were such a thing. 5) -

"Man, I'm looking forward to this already!" We all turned our heads, some of us jumping in shock. A guy was standing in the door way.

He had his hands in his blazer pockets, and was grinning at us. He looked quite strong in built, he was tanned, and he had light brown hair, which was really messy, but in tact. He had brown eyes and he had the most amazing face anyone could wish for. He was about 6ft, and his shirt was hanging out. His uniform was as messy as mine.

Then we made eye contact, and I noticed he was checking me out as well. I looked around and other people weren't staring at him like me. What does that mean?

"Once you've quite finished checking me out," Wow, his voice! Blinking back to reality I felt my cheeks blush, a few people laughed but waited for what he was going to say. "I've got a plan!" He brought the class together, after explaining he was new here, and discussed it. His plan, was that we do prank him. I still don't get how that makes him forget. The question I heard was one I was least expecting!

"Now, does anyone have slime?" This unknown handsome guy asked once finishing explaining.

"Jade does!" The whole class looked at me in surprise and I started to laugh. I should've known Emily would say that. I looked at her and she had a smirk on. A planning smirk.

"I'm not going to ask, Jade," I already love the way he says my name! I look at him as he continued to speak "We are going to get the slime, and the rest of you know what you have to do!" Everyone nodded as I walked out with this stunning stranger. I bet everyone is jealous. Ha!

"Soo, how come you have slime in your locker?" He asked me. This made me giggle. Which earns me a strange look from him. I eventually stop myself from laughing, and take a deep breath.

"I've got loads of prank stuff in my locker because I'm getting revenge from this girl who took my boyfriend and friends in one day." 

"Can I ask why she did that?" He asked, with concern. I took another deep breath and looked at him admiringly, not caring what he thought, I feel like I can trust him.

"Basically, in the beginning of the year we had an argument, we used to be best friends, then after that she's been getting at me. She spread rumours about me that weren't true, luckily no one believed her... then. She made fun of my ringtone when I found out my Grandad died, so I punched her in the nose, then when I went out with an idiot, she and I became friends for a short period, but as we did so, she got closer to him. Then I couldn't stand the fact that she and him were with together so much. So I kicked a football at her in the face - that was an accident!" I reassured him, when I saw the look on his face. "and then we had a massive, full on fight. Punches, kicks and everything. I blocked every move she did. But then we got stopped by the Head teacher, and she called our parents, then we had isolation and detention for a whole week. Last week, actually. And she reminded everyone of what I did in middle school. Which turned everyone against me, and now I'm being a kind off rebel in school. Nothing bad, just like pranks and missbehaving. That's why Emily and I aren't in school uniform" I finished as I tried to find my locker keys. 

As I opened my locker, I got the stuff out and got the small bucket I had. He grinned at me, and then - wow! That was unreal! Guys, he just kissed me! He, unknown hot boy, kissed me. I don't know how long for, but it felt like everything was in slow motion. I mean, who would have thought something like this would happen to me?

"I'm in, whatever your next plan is, to take her down!" and he held my hand!!! What is going on?! I looked up at him and smiled, mouthing thank you. We walked quite quickly, wandering how long we had taken. I hope we didn't delay the plan we made.

As we neared the class room, he got a pen from another pocket, and wrote something on my hand. I was sad when he let go, but as he stepped into the classroom, he winked at me, and whispered

"It's Antonio"

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