Chapter 28

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Shopping is not my forte. Never has been, never will be. Which is why I am doing my best to avoid it. So, me being me, I am in my room listening to 'Wish You Were Mine' by Philip thingymabob. I'm not good with surnames, okay?!

Anyway I'm on the laptop and looking at an online shop called 'Asos'. Yes, this is what I do with all my time, and that is why I don't do my homework. Prom is more important. Friends are more important...

Jess: Where are youuuuu

Jess: Your meant to be at mine rememberrrr

Jess: That's it, I'm coming over

Jess: I'm bringing Spoungbob, you're in deep trouble Jade Elizabeth Rivers

Jess: Wait sorry you're not married yet :P

Jess: Jaaaadddddddeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Jess: Mr Krab is gonna fire you in a min, hurry uppppp

Jess: I'm calling you, you better answer me!!!

All that was done in a time of exactly two minutes, here I am, trying to type a reply. I knew she was joking about phoning me, she only calls her boyfriend ( by the way they've been going out for ages now, like six months or something!). How can she text so quickly?! I couldn't stop laughing at her, why is she referring to SpoungeBob?

Me: I'm gonna get that Tangled girl to whack you with a frying pan, since when were you friends with SpoungeBob?

Jess: Luke,

Me: Oh no

Jess: I am your father.

Me: You know he doesn't actually say 'Luke', right?

Jess: You've just ruined me. I hope you're proud!


Jess won, in the end she actually did come round. I tried my best to hide, but it didn't work because she climbed into the sitting room's window, the cheek of her.

She dragged me out of my beloved bedroom, out of my cosy home, and into the cold, dirty inhabitance of her Mum's car. I have to say, her Mum is awesome for letting her child do that.

My feet are being dragged unwillingly forced into every smelly, sweaty, people occupied, shoe smelling, dirty floor, no WiFi shop, looking at boring dresses to see which one to buy. On the other hand, Jess is having a time of her life. Running into stores, straight to the dresses, feeling different kinds of fabric to pull out which she fancies. Three, two, one-

"OMG! This one will look perfect on you Jade!" I blinked, not once, not twice but three times at the dress. She was right, it was stunning! It was a dark purpley/blue colour, touched the floor, and had a slit (you know, so your leg can breath... Okay, I have no idea what the proper name for it is!) down one side of the dress. It had sparkly bits on the top half, whilst it was laced and flowery on the sides and back.

I took the dress from her and made my way to the fitting rooms. I glanced behind me to see what Jess took, but she was hiding it from view.
"Two items!" I said cheerfully to the person who is in charge of the fitting rooms. She looked suprised at how happy we were, but gave it a miss and handed us the token things with the number '2' on.

We skipped to the nearest changing room and slowly put the dresses on. Now, it will be a spoiler if I told you what Jess's dress looked like, but what I can say is it's gorgeous!!! And me, well let's just say Jess and I look amazing!

"We'll definitely impress the guys Jadey, Antonio will be all over you!" She said to me when we both got our breaths back.

"The same goes for you... Jessey!" She cringed when I said that but laughed at me because of me blushing.

"I'm surprised the teacher's didn't tell us four off with our uniform! Do you reckon Louise will do anything?" I asked he with worry. So far Louise has stayed away from me and I know for a fact that her and Peter are still together. It hurts, but I've moved on... You know who to!

"I know right, but don't spoil the moment! Now, forget about Louise, let's take a selfie!!!" She said whilst jumping up and down. She will never grow up.

We took a few silly photos and I saw her put on Instagram ' this is just one of the selfies we took #selfie101 #buzzing #prom'

Which made me burst out laughing. I felt better knowing I've got the dress but I need the shoes and clutch bag!! You boys are so lucky - all you do is whack a suit on and you're ready. It's so unfair!! But then as everyone always says 'Life is unfair'. But that won't apply to me any longer... I hope!
Hope you enjoyed it! Please comment or vote!! :)

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