Chapter 18

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The weekend went by, very slowly. Nothing much happened, I had no texts from any of my friends, apart from Emily. I don't know what LT said to them, but it worked. Her plan worked. My week of isolation and detentions went by like a snail trying to run. At last, my week of isolation was finished.

I wanted to throw a party... but then I remebered what happened. Don't ask me what, because I don't know. In the present time, I am on a field, on my own, trying to think things through. I heard the bell for first lesson, it was RS (Religious Studies). It's at the top floor and I would get there in like ten minutes, which means being late. So I just took the slowest root possible, no one would notice I'm gone.

In my class I would have had Jess, Freya and Peter. The seating plan used to be us sitting together, but they've probably made it so that I can't join them. Honestly, I miss my best friends.

They deleted me on Facebook and any other social site. When that happens you know it's bad. Normally if I'm late, I take two steps at a time, but today I'm dragging my feet up, one by one. After roughly fifteen minutes, I get to my classroom. Peeking in, I see Sam in my seat.

My mood went from dramatically upset, to wanting to kill them all in a heart beat. I put on a smile and open the door. Hardly any one looked and I just find an empty seat at the back.

"Jade, why are you late?" Normally I would reply 'everyone else is early' but I want people to know I'm hurt. I look at my teacher, sigh and reply

"Because I am, got a problem with that?" with a sarcastic, annoyed touch. Ouch. I know he hasn't done anything to me, but to be honest, I want something instead of punching, to take my anger out. Making teacher's annoyed seems like a good thing to do.

"Yes, until you give me an explanation, I will ignore you and give you tons of behaviour choices for no reason what so ever. So, bearing that in mind, will you tell me why you're late?" What is wrong with that teacher? My classmates weren't even looking at me, or laughing with me.

"Three words, Sir, I don't care." Still in an annoyed tone. Now that made everyone look at me. I saw Sam give me a sympathetic look, but once Jess saw him, she kicked him as if to say 'Don't talk to her'. He rolled his eyes and turned back to the board. I thought Jess was a different person, one who doesn't care about anyone elses opinion about any of their best friends. Apparently not.

My teacher did as he said he would. I know this because the projector wasn't on freeze so everyone saw. Putting my head on the desk and making a pillow for it with my arms seemed like a general proceedure in all lessons.

Then it clicked me. I know what I need to do. I need to fight them at their own game. I need to fight LT, and make everyone like me again. What happened to me? I thought I was going to find revenge, where has that gone? Into a black hole along with your pride and friends, the people who you trusted got sucked up into atoms. No one likes you, remember? Gosh, some times I hate my self-conscious.

For once, I'm not listening. I am going to be brave. I am going to win. Win what I've started. Start what I haven't finished. Finishing won't happen until I bring everyone back to me. But, Jade, how will you do that, when you don't even know where you're going? Ergh. I may not know where my next class is, but what I do know is: LT, you're going down!

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