Chapter 22

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Antonio's Point Of View


Wow. All I can say is wow. Look at their school, I mean, it's so perfect! At my school it was awful. People got bullied for no reason what so ever. But, this school. Everyone has a reason. For example Louise and... Jade. I don't know what this is. Whenever I see her I get excited. What the hell does that mean? I can't believe she told me her whole life story in under five minutes. Well, it isn't her life, but this year's one. She's just...

"Antonio, pay attention!" Some unknown teacher shouted at me. I grunt. This has happened to me so many times I've got bored of re-living the same situation.

"Yeah Antonio, can't even do a little bit of English?" Peter said mockingly. Unfortunately Jade, Emily or Jess are not in this class, so I have no one. Actually, I do have quite a few friends. But those three are like... my closest mates. Especially... Oh my God Antonio! Stop thinking about her!

"Well at least I'm not a... a..." Damn it, why does this always happen to me? Why am I stuttering? I never do it around her. I'm always cool. Without her, I'm...

"Nice one, Antonio, really got me there!" Peter nodded away, jokily. The whole class laughed. But I know something that I can do that he can't. I'm sure of it!

"Yeah it was meant to, pig" Yeah, it was a pretty bad insult. But I wanted him to feel pain. I wanted him to say

"What! You know what, Antonio, lets see who's better, me, or you, today, after school"He said, grinning. Yeah exactly that! WAIT, WHAT! He actually said what I wanted him to? That has never happened!

"Bring it, pig" I growled back. What? I know... soft and mushy on the inside, hard and evil on the outside. It's the only way to show I'm not... weak. Yeah, weak. I'll tell you my story. But I'm warning you, it's going to be hard.

Dad, he... died when I was eight. Mum and I could still live in our house, but we would be running low on money. You see, my Mum works in a primary school, and over where we used to live, that wasn't a lot of money. It may be now, but I honestly have no idea how teachers get paid and stuff. So ask someone who is more experience than me.

But at school, life was getting harder for me. No, not the whole 'lessons' thing, but the whole 'friends' thing. I had loads of friends. Loads. You'd probably call me popular if there was such a thing in the world. But something awful happened. And I'm not really ready to say. Believe me, I will tell you. But man, my life went dramatically down hill. I lost my friends, and I started to get bullied. I learnt karate and Jujistu, just to protect myself from anyone.

My mum noticed. She saw the pain, physically and mentally. Who wouldv'e thought this was happen to me. Antonio Edward Rivers. She tried to tell the school but they did nothing. That's how shit my school was. But then things began to go my way. Mum got a new job around this area. Redwood. But she was worried about travel issues, and then a cheep house was for sale. So we got our house, and I moved to Redwood High. Which is so much better. 

"Are you alright?" Jade asked me, with concern in her eyes. Those, beautiful eyes. I looked at where I was and realised that English was finished and some how I managed to get from there, to the refrectory. How did I do that without noticing? I was probably too deep in my thoughts.

"Yeah, just got lost in thoughts, what were we talking about?" I asked her, with a smile. She looked relieved when she found out I was okay. How could Peter not see how lucky he was to go out with her? I don't know how long they went out for, or what her first date was like.

But If I had a chance to date her, then I'd make it ten times more perfect than his. So much more. And, I keep re-dreaming about the first kiss I had with her. Wait I mean kiss. Oh damn, you got me.

"We were talking about whether you liked One Direction or not?" She smiled at me. That smile. Smile goals! She better not be a 1D fan, I freaking hate them!

"Yeah, my favourite, I mean, I cried when Harry left!" Was it Harry? I have no clue! I'm rubbish at this type of thing. I wanted to sound so confidenent. Then she and her friends burst out laughing. I looked at the time, five minutes went by, and they were crying. Of laughter. Oh God.

"You... are... such... a... bad... lier!" Emily said, in between her laughter.

"Zayn... left the band.... idiot!" Jade was also wetting herself. Wait, did she call me an idiot? Now that's crossing the line! I reached for her and playfully fought her. It was quite funny seeing her face at first, but then she doubled over laughing so much, that she complained she had a stitch.

Rolling my eyes at the three of them, I looked at the crowd that had mysteriously formed. I smiled at them, to acknowledge that I've noticed them, and they scattered off. Whispering as they went.

It was moments like these that I adored being Jade's friend. The bell rang for last lesson. The fight with Peter was getting closer and closer. Man, it will be interesting. It's my first week here, Peter, give me a break! Or maybe... Is he jealous? Haha, I bet he is! Shame on you, mate.

But I don't get why Louise and Jade hate each other. I mean, like Jade said, they used to be best friends. I asked Jess about it and she said the argument went way back. And she said people are not liking Jade as much as they used to.

Jess regrets falling out with Jade, what if I can prove them wrong by showing everyone how nice she actually is? Why is everyone packing up? I look up at the clock on the wall and see it was home time.

Seriously, I haven't done anything at all and no one told me off? Man this school is so cool! I pack away with the crowd and wander when and where Peter will fight me. I got my answer soon enough, though.

"Yo, Antonio, fine day for a fight. Here and now. Have a second to prepare yourself, mate, you're going down!" He said, whilst clicking his fingers. A slow crowd formed, as I looked around I saw Jade, who didn't know what was going on, because she was too busy laughing with her friends to notice. I hope I don't hurt her. In any way, or form.

"Bring it on, Grandpa!" I replied to him, loudly. I got quite a few people laughing, so I hope they cheer me on. We nod at each other and charge. Punch, kick, face punch, kicking. Blocking. That was pretty much the cycle that goes on in a fight. I didn't even know where we were, and I kind of forgot why we were fighting.

Then, without warning, Peter did an attack, and suddenly I'm on the floor, him on top off me, and I feel something dripping down my face.

Not fighting in my life again. Please don't bring it in. God, I promise you I will do all my homework for the rest of my life, if you promise to me that I don't have to see pain. Or blood. Or another fight! Please, God? I carry on fighting with him, I'm not sure who is winning. But I hear sobbing. So does Peter.

We both stop and look. Oh no. God, now would be good! I said no more pain! Especially with the person who I... Peter looks at me and we both nod. We stop the fight, go up to Jade, and get her to look up at us.

We apologise. It goes to show Peter and I are now equal. We were friends. To prove this we did a 'bro' thing in front of her, and she let out a small smile. The crowd were disappointed but I didn't care.

All I cared about was Jade. Maybe our fighting brought back memories of... Louise. Man, I'm going to kill that girl one day. Peter gave me a handshake and a friendly nod before going home.

However I stayed with Jade. I saw her gasp at my injured head. She grabbed my hand and dragged me to the medical room. How on earth does any body stay after school, longer than necessary? Before we went in, I said

"No, it's fine Jade! I don't need to get it examined!"

"Yes you do, I'm making you. You have no choice. In, now!" She said, I think she was still shaky about what had happened. I only wish I told you sooner, Jade. I'm so sorry!

"I hate One Direction!" I whispered in her ear. Which made both of us burst out laughing. I hoped it would cheer her up. I'm glad it worked. I never want to see you go through so much again, Jade.

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