"Excuse me ma'am, I'm here to do some paperwork for my best... my best fiancée." I addressed toward the lady at the check in desk. She eyed me suspiciously, possibly because of my hideous save.

(He has to say fiancée because only family members or her significant other can see her in the hospital)

"Right... You may sit over in the waiting area while you fill out everything." She asserted, turning back to her computer work after handing me a pen and some paperwork attached to a clipboard.

"Why do they even need to know her birthday?" I acknowledged quietly to myself once eyeing all the lines I needed to occupy with information about my Ryley. Despite the contrary, I filled out everything as hurriedly as I could so I was able to stop by her room before visiting hours were over.

"Here's the finished paperwork, what floor is the ICU on?" I asked politely.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" She snapped, typing something on her computer.

"Yes, actually that is why I asked. I would like to see my gorgeous fiancée before visiting hours are over, if you may."

"Follow the signs, go down there and to your left there will be signs directing you to any unit in the hospital, including the intensive care unit which is on the first floor, so no elevator or stair use will be necessary."

I nodded along, "Thank you so much."

I wandered down the left wing before the fairly well described signs jumped into my sight of vision. I turned right quickly and pushed the heavy double doors in before the familiar commotion of the unit came into view. There were many injured people sitting in the waiting area, along with many gurneys flooding through the halls. Many noises intruded my ears and none were as pleasant as the other. I took a deep breath, being here has always been hard for me, but nevertheless I headed over to the receptionist desk.

"Excuse me, I'm here to see my fiancée Ryley McDonough."

The pleasant looking lady lifted her head up from the computer, in which everyone around here seemed to use, and a smile found her lips after she recognized my face for that didn't surprise me at all, I use to frequently visit Ryley up until a few days ago.

"Kian, I haven't seen you around for awhile, how're ya holding up?"

"It's been hard, but who wouldn't this be hard on?"

"You're exactly correct, well she's definitely holding up there actually I think her nurse was meaning to talk to you, but that can wait until after you see her."

"Did he mention why he needed to talk to me? Is everything okay?"

"Oh yeah, sweety she's perfectly fine, go see her okay? I'll call Patrick over in a few minutes after you're done visiting, okay? Don't worry about a single thing."

"Thank you Angela, thank you so much." I called after her, heading over to the room she is in.

I'm not sure what I had expected to see once walking into the area they were keeping Ryley, but my hands were shaking as soon as my eyes fell on the unconscious girl laying on the vexatious looking mattress. Tubes invaded every aspect of her body, except for the one down her throat that had been removed which confused me a bit.

I grasped her hand tightly, "Hey Ryley, it's Kian... Sorry I haven't made it in for a few days, I'm not going to lie to you, I've had a hard time coping with everything. There's so much I need to catch you up on though, so where do I start? Well... Actually there's not much that has gone on, only something from this morning. By Jc's command, I notified yours and my supporters about everything, and I haven't checked their replies to the situation since posting the quick video before heading over here. I'll check the responses before bed tonight and tell you about it sometime tomorrow, sound good? Okay, I have to go see your nurse, Patrick... Apparently he needed to talk to me? Hope you haven't given him too much trouble." I kissed her forehead gently before letting go of her hand, "I've missed your cuddles and I love you more than anything, keep remembering that... Okay?"

That Broken Boy |♔| Kian LawleyWhere stories live. Discover now