Chapter 21

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Amethyst laid on her bed, staring at the ceiling. She touched her head, feeling the bandage. Amy had told her to keep it on, telling her she had been caring for others since before she came to the mansion. She heard a weird noise at the door, and Amethyst got up and opened it.

At the door was Dawn, and Amethyst had to think for a moment if it was Duskie or her who was in her room. Deciding it didn't matter, she looked at the yellow-collared dog, noticing a piece of paper taped to her collar. She took it, and read the words on front.

'Come to the Enchanting Room on the second floor.

Also sorry for using your dog, Amethyst.'

It read. There was no name signing of the note. Dawn barked and put a paw on the paper. Amethyst tore off the bottom of the note, as she assumed that was only for her, and taped the note back into her collar. Dawn then walked out if her room, presumably off to Amy's, as she was next door. Amethyst walked out and headed down the corridor to the kitchen.

There was no one inside the kitchen, so Amethyst took some bread and cookies. She walked back, munching on the cookies and she walked to the stairway. She zoned out, and walked into Ty as he was coming the other way.

"Sorry!" Amethyst said, dropping the food in surprise. She picked it up, putting some of it in her bag.

"It's ok. I should have been watching where I was going." Ty said. There was a few seconds silence before they carried on walking. She stopped as she reached Choco's room, and knocked on the door.

"Choco, I got some cookies!" She called. When there was no answer, she opened the door, not administrating the fact that it should be locked, and looked inside, causing her heart to drop.

Of course. Choco was dead, and Bodil had killed her. Now Bodil was dead too, executed by Herobrine. The thought brought back tears to her eyes. She looked down, noticing a screwed-up piece of paper behind the door. In curiosity, she picked it up and unfolded it.

It was the cat Choco had drawn. On the top of the paper, she had written 'Longtail of Thunderclan', and next to that a symbol shaped like a square cats head with a lightning bolt through it.

"What in the world?" She muttered. She put it in her bag and turned to leave, but stopped. As a kind of afterthought, Amethyst placed a cookie on Choco's desk.

After leaving the room, Amethyst walked up the corridor to the stairs, where she met Gizzy. His dreadlocks were all over the place, indicating he hadn't slept. He turned and smiled as Amethyst approached.

"Hi. Are you heading for the Enchanting Room?" Gizzy asked. Amethyst nodded.

"Yep. Lets go together." She said. She walked up the stairs with him and walked into the Enchanting room.

As they walked into the room, they saw the others crowded around the Enchantment Table, watching Seto do something. Hearing Amethyst and Gizzy walk in, he turned and beckoned them over.

"Gizzy, Amethyst, come over here." The sorcerer said. When they were all together, Seto grinned.

"Alright. I've been working on something special that I want you guys to see. I went to the new floor, there's a staircase now, and found some potions of enchanting. So enough about that, I wanna do it!" Seto said quickly, punching the air on the last part. Realizing this, he put his hand down awkwardly.

"Sorry. Anyway..." He said. He put is hands on the diamond corners of the enchantment table closest to his, and closed his eyes. A purple light surrounded him and the corners of the table. They shot a beam of purple light, joining in the middle. The others jumped back in surprise as a small purple figure appeared where the beams crossed. It looked like Seto, if he was put in a washing machine and then covered in lavender paint.

"Hello!" It chirped. Seto squealed like a fangirl, glad it was a success. Amethyst , and pretty much everyone else, just stared at it.

"Seto... What is that?" Dan asked. Seto opened his mouth, but mini-Seto beat him to it.

"My name is Altersorcerer. I'm a AI made from magic." He said.

"He's a magical entity formed from the magic of Minecraft. I used to summon him to full size, without an enchantment table, but something has weakened my powers, so I'm not as strong." Seto said.

"Right. So he's an AI." Gizzy said. Seto glared at him.

"Ok then. Can we go get food now?" Jerome asked. Mitch nodded.

"Ok. Altersorcerer. Look around the mansion. Tell us if you find anything." Seto said. The lavender figure nodded and disappeared.

In the dining room, things were usual. There was a period of loud chatter, an then it trailed off, leaving the halll in silence. And then one person did something silly, and the chatter started again.

"Amethyst?" Ty asked. She was staring at a cookie, and Ty sounded worried.


"That's a cookie."

"I know."

"Your supposed to eat it."

"I know."

"You put it in your mouth."

"I know."

"And then you chew it."

"I know."

"And then you swallow."

"GODAMMIT TY I KNOW HOW TO EAT A COOKIE!" Amethyst eventually shouted, getting silence from the rest of the table. Amy was the first to start laughing, and it gradually spread to the rest of the room.

Amethyst walked around on the second floor. It was night-time, but she couldn't sleep, and was bored. She walked into the library, seeing the enchantment table glowing purple. She wasn't frightened, as she knew it meant Altersorcerer was active. It flashed, causing Amethyst to yelp, and Altersorcerer was laying on his beams. He looked like he was sleeping. With his size, he looked kind of cute. She smiled and turned towards the fire, and her eyes widened.

Because what was in front of her was definitely not cute.

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