Chapter 19

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Hidden under his hair was a pure white eye.

"Z-z-Zek!" Ian stuttered. Zek shifted awkwardly, clearly he had never shown anyone his eye.

"Herobrine!" Amy shouted, jumping up to his throne and pulling his glasses off. Confused, Herobrine glared at her.

"If this wasn't a trial, I would have killed you." He said. Amy didn't seem to be fazed.

"Explain Zek's eye!" She shouted, pointing at it. Herobrine stared at it. What he next said surprised everyone.

"You still have it?!" He asked in astonishment.

"Still? You mean I had it before I came here?" Zek asked. He didn't seem to be mad, just curious.

"Yes... And I might be able to show you. You know what, I'll show all of you too!" Herobrine said. A white ball of light appeared in his hand, which split into eleven smaller spheres. Suddenly they shot to every person in the room, and that was the last thing Amethyst saw before everything faded.

Amethyst was watching a town. People ran all throughout the place, but some from others. She saw that the people chasing had white eyes, like Herobrine. The scene changed to inside a house. On the floor, about three, was a young boy with black hair. Somehow, Amethyst immediately recognised him as Zek. He was sitting down, watching the windows and the door with caution. Suddenly the door burst open and a familiar figure walked in.

"What do we have here?" Herobrine said, staring at Zek. He stood up and braced himself. Herobrine smiled.

"Tough aren't you?" He said. He tossed a ball of light at Zek, and the vision faded.

"There you go!" Herobrine said as Amethyst's vision returned. She was back in the trail room.

"Yes, I remember now. Your magic gave me a split personality, and sometimes the Herobrine personality took over, which made me so good at trolling, I just combined the ideas I got as Herobrine-Personality with safer ideas, and there, a good troll." He said.

"Ok, but was it you who killed her?" Ian asked. Zek shook his head quickly.

"No! I mean... I might have attacked her, but I didn't kill her!" He said. Everyone was looking at him suspiciously, including Amethyst.

"Hang on, what about Bodil?" Seto said suddenly. Amethyst looked round in surprise.

"What about him?" Amethyst asked.

"Zek said he puts parts of his Herobrine-personality with his normal ones to make his trolls. So he can remember some parts of when he is in that personality. He mentioned Bodil was there." He said. Amethyst nodded, remembering this.

"Bodil, you have been touchy these last couple of days." Gizzy said.

"Yeah, Like when you had a go at Amethyst about her dogs. Next thing we know, Amethyst is attacked, and Choco is dead." Mitch pointed out.  Bodil looked around at the others, panic in his eyes.

"Bodil?" Amy asked. Bodil looked at his feet. When he looked up, he had an insane grin on his face.

"Correct! While HeroZek attacked Amethyst and Choco, I was the one to finish our little cat friend off!" He said and laughed. Amethyst stared at him.

"But why?" Was all she could say. Zek looked at Herobrine, who was still watching his movie.

"HeroZek? I think ZexyBrine sounds better." Dan said.

"I'll explain." He said to Bodil. He had flicked his hair over his eye again, which to be honest, Amethyst preferred. Bodil nodded.

"Ok, me, Ty and Bodil were talking to each other, about our secrets. Ty went somewhere, and we didn't reveal, we wouldn't have unlocked the third floor anyway, when we saw Choco walk past in tears. Thats when my Herobrine-personality took over. I can't remember exactly, but I think I hit Amethyst over the head with a crowbar. Unfortunately can't remember where I got it from, and it doesn't matter, Herobrine." He said, looking at him. His movie had obviously finished and he was watching the ending with interest.

"Fine. And that will be a new rule by the way. If the murderer says it doesn't matter, it doesn't count." He said.

"Ok then, I don't remember the rest, so Bodil, can you take over?" Zek asked. The Parkourist nodded, the insane grin still on his face.

"Of course! So, the blood from Amethyst's head must have made him shift back into his normal personality, because he sprinted off like he was being chased by Simon when he's angry. Don't ask, by the way. Choco, seeing Zek attack her friend, had ran into her room. Of course, I was by the stairs, so no one saw me, not even Zek. I picked up the crowbar, and I hit Choco over the head with it. She had ran into her room, but hadn't locked the door. Such a shame, it could have saved her life. She hit me with that painting. The wood hurt, but that doesn't matter. I moved her and Amethyst to the top of the stairs to make it seem more... despairing, y'know? Two best friends dead side by side. But you had to survive, didn't you Amethyst. You just had to live and spoil my idea. That's pretty rude, y'know?" Bodil finished.

"Ok then, thank you guys. Now, Although Zek attacked Amethyst, he isn't being executed because Amethyst survived! Bodil, however, killed Choco, and has been caught, meaning he is guilty!" Herobrine said, pulling the lever. The familiar slot machine appeared and it spun around, the clicking seeming to go on for longer. Finally, all three slots landed on Bodil's face, and black, yellow and orange confetti burst out.

"Ding ding ding! You have guessed correctly, Bodil40 is the murderer! Commencing execution..."

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