Just a Chapter...Again

Comincia dall'inizio

"Just let me read it!"

"No Charlie!"

"Put it online!"

"So people could see how much of a weirdo I am? No thanks."

"Like anyone other than me would read it."

Percy sighed.

"I guess."


A pillow was thrown at him.

"Shut the fuck up and let me sleep."

Leo grumbled, in his sexy morning voice.

"I gotta go Percy, bye."

He closed his phone. Yes, Charlie has a flip phone.

"That was hot."

"Pass me my pillow."

Leo held his hand out. Charlie glanced at me.

"It's hot right?"

I started to blush. It was extremely hot.

"Yeah, it's pretty hot."

"Well, it won't last very long, unless I sleep more so give me my fucking pillow!"

Charlie threw the pillow back to Leo.

"Thank you."

I rolled my eyes and got up. Might as well take a shower.

"Are you taking a shower?"

Charlie asked. I nodded.

"Can I join you?"

Leo threw his pillow at him again. I laughed and walked into the bathroom.


"They're staring at us."

Hazel said, glancing at Octavian's table.

"Let them stare."

I mumbled, stuffing food into my face.

"But it's annoying."

She said. I rolled my eyes.

"Leo, tell them to stop."

Percy said. Leo stopped eating.


He asked. I stared at Percy. Everyone did.

"What? I'm not stupid Leo, it's fine if you hang out with them, just make them less annoying."

Everyone turned to Leo.

"Um, okay."

He pulled out his phone and texted Cally.

(Discontinued)Olympus High: A Leico FanficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora