hide and seek

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Brad's POV
I awaken to see daisy, her eyes focused on my hands. Her eyebrows furrowed as she traced her delicate fingers down my right hand, making me want to kiss her face. She looked so fragile and weak from laying beneath me.

Her brown curly hair flowed freely down her back, it would sway into her face so she would have to push her hair back with her hand; making me want to chuckle at how adorable she looked when she puffed her lips in annoyance.

Her light brown eyes sparkled in the early morning light, her deep, mesmerizing eyes. Sometimes her eyes would water and become glassy when she cried. Making her look helpless and confused. I hated it when she cried, i hated to see her upset. But what i hated the most is that i was the reason why she cried.
I called her weak and stupid and then had the audacity to compare her to her mother. I was such a dick, what the hell was wrong with me?

I push myself away from her, getting frustrated and angry with myself for being so cruel to my precious darling.

I stand,wanting to get away from her before i hurt her; her lips part as she sees me start to get dressed.

She sits up in our bed and places a hand threw her hair and looks at me; her breath hitches and she quickly looks down.
"Brad?" her small voice travels lightly in our bedroom
I ignore her, not really knowing what to say.

Sorry wasn't enough.

She then stands aswell and walks out of our room.

I know shes upset with me and i didnt want to upset her even more; but i couldnt let her just walk away like that.

I wouldn't.

I drop my shirt onto the floor and go after her.

"Daisy!" i yell for her, looking in every room, every closet, just everywhere.

I run into the kitchen to find only meredith, i sigh in frustration.

"Meredith,wheres daisy?"

She looks and me "i dont know sir, i havent seen her this morning. Is anything the matter?"

I shake my head "no." i continue to look around

"Sir you should put a shirt on, its chilly in here and outside." meredith states

I shake her comment out of my mind,i wasnt cold. Even if i was,i wasnt thinking about myself right now, i was trying to find daisy.

"If you see daisy,tell her that she needs to attend to me immediately."

Meredith nods "yes sir."

I walk out of the kitchen and downstairs to my gym and my "man cave" as daisy calls it.

I quickly look through every door and through my workout clothing; everywhere.


I run my hand through my hair and rush upstairs and outside to the right wing garden; daisys favorite part of the entire place.

I sigh in relief, not being able to breathe right because of my beating heart;trying to look for her.

I rush over to daisy, she was near the deep red roses; dressed in my black tshirt and my plaid pajama pants. She would never really fall asleep in her own pajamas,she would always sleep in mine.

"You're shirts are so soft and they smell good." Was her explaination to me, making me smile at her

Standing there she looked like a model from Italy. Her long brown hair and deep brown eyes with her olive skin tan. I watch as she stands there, drawing the flowers with her pencil; paying close attention, not ready to miss a single detail.

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