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How could you love a man who terrifies you? How could you love a man who is against in what you believe in?

How couldn't you love a man who makes you smile every second of the say? How couldn't you love a man who makes your heart skip a beat every time you saw him?

I watched Brad sleep next to me. His arm still protectively around my waist as my head laid on his chest, as it moved up and down. His hair brushed over my face and I could could hear his slow, heavy breathing in my ear.

Brad slept shirtless, and I took this time to admire his glorious body. His toned stomach had a small amount of hair leading down to his torso. His muscular arms clutched onto my waist.

He made me feel safe somehow, like there could be someone after me and he would destroy it immediately.

I have never been this close to a man. It felt foreign as he snuggled his head into the crook of my neck and lazily kissed my neck. His naked chest against mine which was covered in my pink silk pajama set.

The sun was about to rise and I haven't gotten a wink of sleep last night. I don't know why, maybe because I just got married and have reckless nerves or the fact that I am starting to get feelings for Brad.

It scares me to even think about falling in love with him, he wasn't whom I imagined to marry. I used to daydream as a young teenager that I would attend NYU, and marry Tom, and live happily ever after. I wanted to become a nurse when I became an adult. Women couldn't really become anything else, maybe you could become a teacher if you were lucky or a nurse. Women mostly worked in diners or bars or just stayed at home with their children.

But, I wasn't like most women. I wanted to do something with my life, sure I wanted to get married and possibly have children but I wanted to have a job and pay my own bills, not have a man do it and boss me around.

Tom said if we ever got serious, he would want me to go to college but when he had children, he would want me to stay home with them. I just nodded, disagreeing silently in my head. Tom could be very unaware of how I felt sometimes, his head was usually somewhere else when his friends hung out with Beth and I.

My head started to ache thinking about my life at home. I wondered what Beth, Anne, and Melinda were doing. They were my best friends at my prep school in Manhattan. I remembered the time when Anne forgot her money at home, so I had to pay a nickle for her ice cream. I didn't talk to her for an entire day, I was so upset that she made me spend some of my allowance on her foolishness.

She apologized at lunch and bought me whatever I wanted in the lunch line and hugged me, saying sorry again. Of course, I forgave my best friend. I needed her in my life and she needed me. Just like I needed Beth and Melinda. I missed them terribly much. It wasn't fair that Brad had taken me away from them.

Brad grunts in his sleep and moves over, closer to me and lays his head on my stomach

I smile at my husband and stroke his dirty blonde hair with my fingers

There is a knock on the door and Meri comes in

When she see's us, she smirks and looks at me

I raise an eyebrow, to see what she wants

"Tell Brad, he has a meeting in thirty minutes, he needs to get dressed now." She steps out, closing the door behind her

I sigh and tap Brad's arm

He stirs "What?"

"Meri said you have a meeting in thirty minutes." I tell him

He grunts and grabs my shirt with his hands and clenches it around his hands

"Five more minutes." 

I chuckle "Okay."


Ten minutes pass and Brad is still asleep on my chest

"Brad," I whine "You're going to be late."

"They can have the meeting without me."

"Aren't you in charge?"

He groans "Who cares?"

I roll my eyes and stay quiet, it was none of my business anyways

His hands were still clutched around my waist and his head still laid on my chest, I could smell his lemon scented hair

"I want to stay like this forever." He mumbles 

I smile and continue to comb my fingers through his hair

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