love isn't a lie

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"I don't wanna grow up, no. I don't wanna grow up. I'm still naive, you're wild and free. I don't wanna hear it, no. I don't wanna feel it. Don't lecture me, just let me be."

I am getting for bed with Brad, tying my hair up into a top knot

I slip on my matching baby blue floral pajama set, that Brad had gotten me from Chanel.

It's funny, I have never lived in such a luxurious house, I have never eaten such luxurious foods, and I have never worn such luxurious clothing.

Brad was writing something on his sleek, black wooden desk. He sat shirtless, wearing only his black boxers, it seemed Brad was always some sort of black with his outfits or even his under armor.

I watched, as I slowly sat on his enormous bed how his back muscles flexed as he wrote fast, on some paper, a letter I supposed. The way his right hand dropped his pen on the paper so he could rake his beautiful dirty blonde hair back.

I feared he would turn and see me staring, so I decided to pay observe his room, which I had never really done.

His king sized bed, heck it was bigger than a king's bed had decorative pillows and blankets everywhere. The pillows had red splashed with black beading and orange splashes of paint, it looked like they were from India. The black pillows also had red with orange, making it look like the sunset in the sky that Brad and I watched hours ago. It had blues as well, yellows, greens, and purples. His large, thick blanket that lay over his bed was my favorite. I loved to snuggle with Brad, in the huge blanket, made of golds, oranges and reds.

I traced my fingers over the handmade designs

"My mother got me it." Brad walks over to me, motioning to the bed set

I nod "It's beautiful."

He smiles and climbs in bed next to me

He chuckles "She said that I had too many black and depressing colors in my room, so she bought me these."

I smile and merely nod

He lays his large hand on my cheek and looks at me

"Can you lay on me?" He asks me

I furrow my eyebrows "What?"

"Lay on me, I just want to feel you." His beautiful words roll off his tongue so gracefully

I nod, trying to hold my blushing and ascend onto his lap and lay my head on his bare, toned chest

He takes my hair tie from my hair and rakes his fingers slowly through my waves

"You know I didn't believe in love until I met you." Brad whispers, making me want to kiss his face

"W-why?" I am curious though

"Women would just throw themselves at me, because of my rank and money. Meredith says its because of my looks-"

"She's right." I giggle

He chuckles and continues "But I guess I didn't know what love really was, women didn't know me but rumors would spread about how they would leave their husbands for me and how it was love at first sight, yet I found no interest in loving a women because of what they saw on the outside."

I listen to his words carefully, nodding when I had to

"My father and mother," His deep voice echoes in his large room "They didn't love each other, they only stayed together because of me. My mother would stay at home, and make meals, while my father was wealthy so he spent his days with prostitutes and drinking."

I clutch onto his bicep, wanting to comfort him

"My mother would cry in the bathroom, and when it was dinner time, my father would come home, and she would run to wipe her eyes and re-do her makeup for him. She would greet him with a kiss and smile, when inside she was broken and tired."

"That's why I am afraid of losing you baby, I don't want what my father and mother had. When we said our vows, of in sickness and health, I need to know that you meant it and that you truly love me." He grips my pajama shirt

"Of course I meant it Brad," I sit on his lap, and grab his face and look into his ocean blue eyes

"I meant every word, I can't imagine leaving or my love for you ever effacing. I'm sorry that you went through that when you were younger, but I swear Brad I'll make sure that I'll play my part in our marriage, really." I kiss his lips, he sighs and grips my waist

"I love you so damn much, it hurts me." He tells me as I pull away

I smile "And I love you."

"This life isn't what I'd thought it would be." He kisses my neck

"How so?" I rake my hands through his hair

"I never thought that I would be blessed with such a beautiful woman, so intelligent and so graceful."

I agree with him "I am young Brad, but I have never had such strong feelings for a man like I have for you. And I never thought I'd be with someone as strong, and so incredible.

He shakes his head "You hate me for what I do, my job Daisy."

I sigh "Yes, I hate your job, I hate what you do."

He looks at me, frowning, but I continue

"But I do not hate you Brad, I love you okay? I love the man that comes home to me every day and the feeling of knowing that he wasn't with another woman and the feeling of just being with you I suppose."

He smiles at me, his blue eyes sparkling

He grabs me, kissing me hard and deeply

I squeal into the kiss from surprise and sigh as we pull away

"If love is a lie, then please don't ever tell me the truth Brad; because nothing makes me feel the way that I do towards you."

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