sweet beginnings

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"I wanna go back to the sweet beginnings; when I was young and full of innocence. I wanna go back to complete surrender of youth. The sweet beginnings."

Brad's POV

I follow Daisy, silently cursing at myself for being so stupid towards her. I had drunk about four glasses of beer, that I made Meri get me even though she protested. I was defiantly drunk.

I could keep all of my attention on Daisy though, my intoxication was running lower, and I could feel my fingers again; my head becoming un-blurry.

"Daisy, wait." I grab her waist, pulling her back

She turns to me, her beautiful face showing in the moonlight, but her lips were twisted into an angry frown, I knew that I had hurt her badly.

"Look, I'm really sorry for being stupid and-"

"Brad shut up, I've heard it before." Her ice cold voice breaks my heart

But her tone towards me was unacceptable, women were supposed to treat their husbands with dignity and respect, not utter stupidity and disrespect.

"Watch your tongue Dasiy." I warn her, I could feel my face turning into a scowl

She chuckles and crosses her arms over her chest that was layered with a white lacy dress, making me want to kiss her, touch her of how beautiful she looked.

She always looked beautiful to me, always. In the morning, when she woke, her makeup free face, making her look innocent and plain; I wanted to take her most mornings.

The way she looked up at me, if I wasn't at a meeting or at the camps-

"Morning Brad."

Her sweet voice making my heart race through my body, making me want to cuddle with her, placing my head on her soft chest; that was my favorite sleeping position with her, just laying with her, touching her, her head on my chest and my arms wrapped tightly around her, not wanting to part from her.

That was the hardest part of my day, parting from my beautiful darling, watching her sleep peacefully, then having Meredith come in and tell me my schedule, and then having to leave my precious baby.


"Or what?" She challenges me, yet she keeps her distance from me

"Or you'll regret it." I promise her

"You know what? You're just like your father." Her harsh words, making me clench my fists

"And you're just like your mother, weak and stupid, she couldn't even save you." I quickly make a comeback

She gasps "My mother-my parents were never weak, you held them at gunpoint!"

I shrug "They didn't even stand in my way, they didn't try to block me from you, no they let me take you."

Her tears that run down her rosy pink cheeks, make me want to kneel on my knees in front of her and beg her for her forgiveness, but I don't. I'm not giving in for what she had just said to me.

"Well what were they supposed to do?! You would have shot them!" She stomps her foot at me, making me want to chuckle at how adorable she looked

I nod "Maybe I would have."

She sniffles, wiping her tears on her arm. I was the one that was supposed to be wiping her tears, wiping her fears and pain away with my fingers or my shirts.

"Y-you don't have to be so mean you know." She whispers

My heartbreaks in an instant, I walk up to her, placing my hands on her waist

"I'm sorry baby." I kiss her cheek

"Hold me?" She begs, just wanting to be comforted at this point

I nod "Of course." I place my head into her neck, picking her up into my arms, her lightweight, making me want to walk even slower, enjoying this time with her; with her legs on each side of me as I walk with her back to our house.

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