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"Meri, I have to get out of here." I tell her quietly, Brad was in his office and I was in my room with Meri, but you never know

Meri looks at me with astonishment in her eyes

"Daisy, have you gone mad?" She drops my freshly cleaned clothes on my bed

"No, I haven't. Meri, I just need a couple of small favors."

"Favors?" She raises an eyebrow

"Money is no problem, I can borrow some from Brad. I just need you to keep this on the down low. I plan on leaving tonight."

"Tonight? He'll kill you!" She whispers/yells

"Meri, I have a plane ticket to New York at six pm tonight, all you have to do is distract Brad."

"Distract him how?" Meri bites her nails

"I don't know, tell him I'm ill. Oh! I know, tell him that it's my time of the month, he won't bother me that's a proven fact."

Meri sighs "Daisy, he'll kill us both."

"He will never know about you, I'll be in New York and I'll move around, maybe go to California or somewhere, just until the war ends."

"What if the war doesn't end? What if he catches you?"

"It will. He won't." I tell Meri

"But why? Why do you wish to leave?"

I almost gasp "Are you kidding Meri? He has taken me against my will! And worse! He works for the most hated man in the world!"

Meri hushes me "Be careful of how you speak Daisy."

I roll my eyes "Well? Are you going to help me?"

"I-I don't know Daisy."

I sigh "Okay, I just thought that you were my friend that's all." I pick a top and throw it into my small black leather bag

She whines "Oh, Daisy."

I ignore her and continue to pack my things

She groans "Okay, okay."

I smile and let her help me pack


"Daisy, I told him that you aren't feeling well, go now."She hugs me quickly and opens the front door, silently

"The driver thinks you're going to visit your family." She tells me

I nod at her

"Be careful, I wish you the best." Meri kisses my cheek and quickly closes the door

I run to the car and watch as the driver pulls off

I wipe a tear as I see Brad's house in the distance

I would miss him and Meri, but I couldn't live like that

I'm sorry


I arrive at the airport and give the woman my ticket

She smiles at me "Your flight will be ready in thirty minutes ma'am."

I nod and take a seat with my bag in my lap, watching the time

It was seven pm, my flight should be here at seven thirty.

All of the sudden, I hear a chuckle from behind me, strangely I knew that chuckle

I turn to find Brad behind me, a smirk on his lips as he takes in my expression

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