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"nice to know ya, nice to know ya lets do it again. how we did it for a one night stand, i wanna be more than friends."

I walk outside and into the forest, Brad forbid me to go back here again but my curiosity got the best of me, obviously.

I wore only tights, I left my shoes at home so I didn't ruin them with wet mud and dead weeds, the smell of weeds made my stomach hurt.

I make it all the way to the camp, where I had been a week earlier. I look around to find only a couple of people near the gate on the far right corner of the metal fence where I was standing.

"Hey!" I hear someone whisper

I turn to find a girl, she looked my age with matted blonde hair and blue eyes, her eyes and cheeks were sunken with hunger and tiredness. The was a pang of sadness in my heart, she looked hopeless.

"H-hi." I stumble back a few steps

"Do you have anything to eat?" She looks around first, to make sure no one was watching her, then turned back to me

I shake my head slowly "No, I'm sorry."

"Oh." She looks down and kicks her foot in the dry mud on the ground

"What's your name?" I dare ask the stranger

"Peyton." She nods at me, asking for my name

"I'm Daisy."

She chuckles as she eyes me up and down

"Why are you here, have you any idea where you are?" She raises an eyebrow at me

I make a small nod "I live not far from here, and this is a camp."

"This is not just a camp, this is Auschwitz."

"Oh, I didn't know the name." I look down

"Doesn't matter the name, it's the worst camp of all camps." Her eyes bore into mine

"What do they do to you here?" I ask, very curious

She smirks "You live not far, why don't you know?"

"I just moved here from America."

She nods "I figured, with your accent and all."

I chuckle "You didn't answer my question Peyton."

"It's time for me to work, come back tomorrow at the same time tomorrow and bring food as well, I'll tell you whatever you want."

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