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"I'm safe, I'm high. Nothing can touch me, but why do I feel like this party is over? No pain, inside. You're my protection, but how do I feel this good sober?"

I walk down the stairs, fully dressed in a yellow dress with green floral prints, i paired it with green heels that were the same color as the floral was.

"Hey, where's Brad?" I ask Meri who was baking cookies, rolling the raw dough in her palms

"He's in his weight room, it's on the bottom floor in the east wing." She nods at me

I thank her and walk to Brad's weight room

I step into the weight room and almost gasp

Brad was shirtless, his sweating body gleaming in the sunlight, a serious expression on his face, teeth clenches as he punches his partner in the stomach, making the man double over, Brad takes this chance to punch him in the face, making the man fall onto the ground, he stays for more than ten seconds

"Eric, are you still alive?" Brad chuckles, putting out his hand out for Eric

Eric curses at Brad and stands with him, Brad laughs and tousles Eric's black hair

"You weren't that bad today mate, better than last week." Brad "compliments" him

Eric rolls his eyes, taking off his white shirt, and revealing a surprisingly built stomach, but I couldn't even compare him to Brad

"Yeah, well you've gotten better each week." Eric chuckles

Brad grins at Eric, then when he see's me he breaks into a smile, walking over to me

"Darling," He greets me, standing infront of me, making me feel insecure

His toned body made me feel like hiding in a corner, he was capable of so much, yet he didn't use his nicely built body to make me uncomfortable, he made me safe and secure.

"When did you get here?" His deep voice sent chills up my spine

"Only a few moments." I reply, Eric smiles at me, and I return the favor

"Oh, Daisy this is Eric, Eric you already know who this is." Brad smiles at the end

Eric reaches his hand for me, which I take into mine and shake it

"Pleasure to see you again Daisy." Eric smiles at me

I frown "Again?"

Eric nods " I attended the wedding."

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't remember." I blush

Eric smiles "It's quite alright, it was a lot of people and you were overwhelmed, couldn't have possibly seen me."

I smile at him and nod

Brad grabs me by the waist and pulls me into his waist

"I'm hungry, is Meri making something in the kitchen?" Eric asks me

I chuckle at Eric and nod "She's making cookies right now."

He smiles and dashes off, obviously to the kitchen

"Do you like to box?" Brad asks me, taking off his gloves

I almost laugh "No, Brad."

He smiles at my expression "Why not?"

"I play other things." I say honestly

He raises an eyebrow "What?"

"I play soccer, lacrosse and I once tried to play basketball, but that didn't end well."

Brad chuckles "Soccer is football, right?"

I almost smack myself "Oh, yeah sorry."

He shakes his head, smiling at me the entire time, then reaches for my face, grabs my face in his hand and presses his forehead to mine

"You're perfect, did I ever tell you that?" Brad whispers, making me want to scream

I sigh against his touch "Yes, you tell me a lot."

"I can't stop saying it." He kisses my earlobe

"Can you teach me?" I ask him, trying to hide my blushing

He pulls away from me, raising an eyebrow

"To box?"

I nod "Yeah."

He chuckles "Really?"

I roll my eyes and pull him by the arms to the weight room

I turn to him "I'm dead serious."

He smiles at me, then eyes me up and down "Well, you can't learn in that dress, as mush as I love it on you."

I smile at the compliment, but then frown "Well, what should I change into?"

"I have training shorts, and shirts down here, find the smallest size." He orders

He turns, grabbing somethings for the training

I turn to a large bin full of Brad's clothing, I guessed they were for his friends and himself

I grabbed small blue shorts and a black shirt, I took my heels off and threw my dress to the floor, leaving me only in my matching underwear set, but somehow I didn't mind Brad seeing me so exposed.

He's already seen me anyways.

I put on the clothing and secure the drawstrings on the shorts, tightening them so they only fell down my waist a little. I put the shirt on and made my way back to Brad.

Brad smirks when he see's me

"Ready to box?"

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