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hi just before you start, i just wanted to let you know that no, brad and daisy didn't have sex . i guess you could say they made out, but it was a little more than that. ok bye

I walk out of the many bathrooms in Brad's house, walking to my bedroom to replace my torn underwear. I push a piece of my wavy hair behind my ear and try to hide my blush as servants pass by. Thank goodness I didn't see Meri, she would get a kick out of this for sure.

I run into my enormous bedroom and sigh as I dig through my underwear drawers in search of a nice pair. My drawer was naturally filled with pretty colors of lace or really tight pieces. I finally chose a lavender lace and threw my black torn ones in the garbage.

It was still the afternoon, and I had nothing to do. I didn't feel like talking to Brad after what we had just done and Meri was doing laundry. So, I went outside. I grab a sketchpad and colored pencils from my desk and walk down the right staircase and out the front door. There were four soldiers guarding the front of Brad's huge black gate around his mansion. They spot me, so I turn in the other direction, avoiding them.

I try to find a cosy spot in Brad's big front of his house. I spot a tire swing tied to a two trees and sit on it. Take my sketchpad in my hands, pick a black pencil and start drawing what I see. I draw Brad's mansion, but I make it smaller than it actually was. I put my attention on the camp, less than two miles away from Brad's home. You couldn't see it from here, but I could see the smoke. It gave me pain that I was married to the very man who did all of this. But he loved me. He loved me a lot.

I shake my head, trying to shake the thought out of my head. I draw the soldiers, with their stern expressions and badges. I spot Brad, coming towards me and start drawing him as well. Then, I realize that he was trying to talk to me, so I drop my sketchpad on my lap.

"I was looking for you." Brad stands in front of me

"Why?" I raise an eyebrow

He shrugs shyly "I enjoy your company."

I smile at Brad, he was could be so cute when he wanted

He looks at my drawing

"Do you draw?" He asks, looking back at me

I nod "I love to art, I'm no good unfortunately."

He looks at my drawing again "Are you kidding? This is amazing."

He sits on the ground beneath me, I jump off of the swing and sit next to him

"The detailing," His eyes trail over my artwork "It's stunning."

I hide my blushing cheeks by shrugging "I don't know, I didn't really pay attention."

Brad looks at me and smiles "Is this me?"

I nod, looking at the man I drew the second day I came here. His hair was beautifully luscious looking, his eyes staring into my soul, and his lips were drawn into a thin line. His body under his shirt was toned, you could tell he was strong and manly.

"Can you draw yourself with me in this picture?" He asks

I slowly nod, unaware of what he meant

"Give it to me when you're done." He orders

I push a piece of my hair over my ear "Okay."

He kisses my neck and wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me towards him

I take in his minty fresh scent and sigh, combing back his hair with my fingers

"I wish we could stay this way forever." He says

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