sorry pt 2

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"Like a deep tequila, makes you sick but it tastes so good on your lips, take a sip, just one more hit; I love it when you do it like this."

Brad's face tilts to the side from the slap I had just sent him

He turns back to me, running his hand down his face, then nods

"I deserved that." He admits

I step away from him "No, you deserve to be punched in the face."

"Then do it." Brad steps forward to me, grabbing my wrist

"Do it, hit me." He commands

I yank my wrist back, and step back again

But he comes unto me again, placing his hard chest onto mine

"Hit me." He whispers, his biceps on full view since he was wearing a black t shirt

I get frustrated at his taunting, so I push at his chest with a hard force

He stays still as I thought, he was so much stronger than I was

I again, get angry and throw a punch at his face, his face turns from the impact with a small force, just like I had slapped him a few moments ago

He turns his face back to me, his cheek turning a bright red, his ocean blue eyes staring into mine, begging for more.

I throw another punch, no sounds come from him, no grunts, or moans, he enjoyed this.

I turn away from him

"Are you done?" Brad's voice was emotionless

I stay quiet, unable to speak or even look at him

He wraps his arms around my body, he was behind me and I could smell his scent of fresh mint

"Get off of me." I push him away

He chuckles "You're upset with me because I hit you?"

I stare at him, my eyes probably wide with astonishment

"Are you drunk?" I ask simply


"Are you on drugs?"

He chuckles "No Daisy."

"Then why are you being so stupid?" I ask, raising an eyebrow

"You're the one being stupid, you cannot become angry at me because I put you in your place."

I clench my teeth "How can I not be angry with a man that hit me for no apparent reason?!"

He rolls his eyes "You were making me upset."

I lose my cool and scream "You fvcking bastard! I hate you with everything I've got, I swear I wouldn't care if I never saw you again! In fact, I wish just that!"

I curse again and walk away, leaving him in the left wing garden, I fasten my pace as I feel him behind me so I start to run into the forest...

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