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I was running, I ran so fast down the street where Brad's house was, his house was the only one on the street.

My heart was beating rapidly, and I felt as if I was going to pass out. But I picked my feet up even fast, running until my vision became blurry.

I stopped near a store, it was closed. Obviously, it was two am. I didn't have any money, just the clothes on my back.

"Hey pretty little thing." I hear a man's voice from behind me

I gasp and whirl around and see a Nazi solider, two soldiers appear from behind him

I start to slowly back away, but they follow me

"It's pretty late, why are you out here?" The man asks with a smirk on his lips

I shake my head "J-just an evening walk."

He laughs, then turns to his friends and they laugh aswell

"Get her." He commands


I wake up, sweating like a bull, screaming so loudly I could have broken a cheap glass window

I pull at my face "Help me!" I trash in my blankets, looking around but having no luck since it was pitch black

Someone quickly opens my door and turns on the lamp, near my bed

Brad climbs onto the bed with me touches my cheek

I am breathing heavily and tears run down my face

Brad was shirtless and I could see his toned chest, and muscular arms. His chest was flawless, I couldn't find one scratch or bruise.

"Darling, darling shh. You're safe." Brad holds me in his lap, kissing my face

I cry into his chest as I remember my previous dream

He combs back my hair and kisses my temple

I hiccup over my tears and clutch onto his neck

"What happened baby?" He asks me gently

"I-I don't know."

"Did you have a nightmare?"

I nod

He takes my hand and intertwines our fingers

"You're safe with me." He promises me

"Come to bed with me." He kisses my neck

I nod and he lifts me into his arms, I wrap my legs around his waist and hold onto his neck as we walk near the marble staircases, I didn't trust him fully

"I'm not going to drop you sweetheart." He chuckles

"S-sorry." I loosen my grip on his neck a little

"It's alright." He kisses my cheek

We arrive in his room, it was dark so I couldn't see anything

He places me on his bed very gently, then getting in himself, and placing a thick blanket over us

I push my knees up to my chest and hug them with my arms

"Don't hide from me." Brad takes my arms from my legs

I gasp at his touch, he brings my hand and places it over his heart

I could hear his slow, peaceful heartbeat, and he pulls me by my waist towards him

I slowly place my head over his chest, his fresh scent of mint made me feel comfortable with him

He plays with my hair and kisses my temple once more before I fall asleep

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