wedding pt 1

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I laid with Brad on the freshly wooden floor in my enormous room

My back was faced towards him, as his front was pressed against the back of my body

He combed back my wavy light brown hair with his large but gentle fingers

"I have no qualms about bringing you here." He tells me honestly

I stay quiet and let his fingers trail up and down my waist

"You shouldn't have kept that from me." I whisper as his cold fingers send chills up my spine

"I know, but darling you have only been here for two days."

"You still should have told me, that we were near a place where people where being killed."

He sighs "You'll understand someday."

"Understand? How will I understand the killings of innocent people?"

"They aren't innocent my love."

I bite my lip from crying "How could you say such horrid things?"

He clutches my waist in his fingers "I speak the truth."

I move away and sit up, my hair going across my face

"No, that isn't the truth." I protest

He sits with me and comes less than two inches from my face

"It is truth. Those people aren't as faultless as you think."

"B-but you're killing c-children." I sniffle on my tears

He moves a piece of hair from my face and kisses the corner of my mouth

"They are dangerous baby."

I look down and gulp "I-I don't understand why you hate their kind so much."

Brad sighs and picks my chin up with his large index finger, we lock eye contact

His sea blue eyes go right through my brown ones, his eyes were my favorite thing about him, and he had a lot of amazing qualities on his appearance. His dirty blonde hair pushed back with his fingers and a small amount of hair gel that smelled of lemon. His muscular arms, you could see his toned body from a mile away. His perfect white smile always made me blush when he looked down at me and smiled at me. His height, he was about 6'3, and he made me feel small and insecure when he stood over me. I was only 5'7 and as you would know, he was a tower, and I was a one story house.

"They're bad, bad people. They want to destroy us, they want to take over mankind and make us their slaves."

"All of them?" I ask baffled

He nods "They are all the same my darling, they all want the same thing, and they believe the same thing."

"So, I'm sorry for not telling you, but now do you understand how important my job is?" He tucks a curl behind my ear

I'm unaware of what I am doing, but I nod. I nod.

I think that was the biggest mistake of my life

He smiles, showing his perfectly white teeth and kisses my neck so delicately, as if I were a china doll


I sit on my bed, braiding my hair into a side braid and Meri walks in

"Hi, how are you?" She asks, as she puts new clothes away for me

I smile at her "Fine, you?"

She nods "I'm great."

"Okay," She turns to face me "Brad wants you fitted for your wedding dress."

I sigh and stand as she measures me with the tape, then writes them down with her notepad and pen

"He has picked out your dress, I'll wake you up at six am for makeup and hair, then the ceremony starts at nine am."

I nod wearily and lay down as she chuckles at my lassitude and walks out, closing the door behind her


"Wakey, wakey! Eggs and backey!" Meri shakes me with her hands

My eyes jolt open and I sit up, rubbing my head

She takes my hand and I take a ten minute bath, washing myself and my hair, then met Meri at my beauty desk

She does my makeup and hair so beautifully and then I put on my white, lacey dress

It is now 8:50 am, so we hurry to the garden

It was so beautiful, there were more than a hundred people there, all seated in pure white benches and dressed in uniform or suits, the women wore dresses

When Brad see's me, his eyes fill with tears as he holds my hand as they priest makes us say or vows, here we go..

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