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"Hey! Stop it!" I yell running over to the soldiers and the helpless woman

The woman looked quite ordinary, short brown hair and deep brown eyes and red lips. She clutched onto a small bag, which I had presumed to be her belongings.

"And who are you?" A solider with a bald head asks, narrowing his eyes at me

I take a step forward

"That's none of your business, let her go." I order

The soldiers all look at one another, then burst into laughter

The woman clutches onto her coat, and shakes her head at me. Warning me to leave

"If you don't get out of here, I'll make you." The man threatens me

I almost laugh, he didn't scare me like the rest of the soldiers did

His belly went over his tight pants and belt, and his chest hair stuck out of his shirt

"Wait, what's your name?" A younger and more attractive solider asks me


He looks to the bald solider and the others "She's Baach's wife."

They all look at me

The bald one smirks "Funny, I would think she would hate them just as equal as we do."

"Stop it Frank, he'll have all of our heads on sticks." The younger solider warns his friend

Frank looks at me then looks at his shoes, knowing that the youngest solider was right

"Let's take her back." The solider with jet black hair suggests

Frank nods

"Did you not hear me? Let her go." I command

"Daisy, just come with me." The man with jet black hair says to me

I shake my head "N-no."

He sighs and throws me over his shoulder

I scream and pound on his back as he slides me into a car, he tells the driver where Brad lived and closed to the door after him and slid in

My hands are shaking, I am so upset. Why couldn't they leave her alone? What did she do?


"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?" Brad shouts at me, making me flinch

Brad and I were both in one of his offices, the solider told him everything that had happened

I don't answer, just playing with the paint on my nails

"You said you wouldn't cause any trouble Daisy." Brad sighs

"They were treating her like trash!" I say back as tears run down my face

His eyes soften, and he kneels down to me

"Baby, they are bad people." Brad coos to me, brushing my hair with his large hand

"B-but she didn't commit a crime."

"You don't know that," He says sternly "She did."

'Why do you punish people because of what they believe in?" I ask my husband

He looks at my lips as I speak "They are harmful people, they have no limits."

"Why do you think that about them?" I raise an eyebrow

"Jews," he starts "They want to take over the world, we can't let them do that, and so we have to efface them."

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