Mr. and Mrs.

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"That was Sprig, she wanted to thank you for paying for the show and treating them to dinner. I wanted to thank you too." She traced a finger over his bared chest.

Cato raised his eyebrow, "oh really?"

"Yes and I know the perfect way to do that."

An hour later they'd dressed, after another love making session Enya had told him that her sisters wanted to meet up at night club that was doing a foam party.

Enya had purchased a short off-white dress earlier that day, she'd wanted to wear that color for the rest of their stay in Vegas.
She donned a pair of white chucks and kept her braid in.

Cato had chosen a pair of distressed dressed jeans and a black Led Zeppelin shirt. He looked amazing.

"You're not going to take your rings off?" Cato asked pulling her into an embrace.

"Nope. I had hoped we could share the news with them. Now that the ceremony is done."

"I love that. I love that you want to show us off. God you turn me on." He said dipping his head down to kiss her.

"I'm proud, and listen Slick if we ever want to make it to tell them, I suggest you reign in Cato Junior. We've got the rest of our lives to play with him."

Outside of the club the music was blaring, Enya could only imagine how it would be inside. Undoubtedly Chyanne had picked this place judging from the music taste.

Enya spotted them in line and called out to them. They turned and waved them forward to get in line with them.

Cato grabbed her hand and guided her to where her sisters were standing.

"Glad you guys could finally make it." Sprig said knowingly.

Enya blushed and everyone laughed. "Try not to act too guilty Enya."

Quickly composing herself, "what can I say, the man's insatiable."

"Yeah, the woman's pretty insatiable herself." Cato lightly elbowed Enya with his left hand.

Sprig's eyes went immediately to his ring. "So Cato, my sister never told me you were fucking around on your wife. She doesn't usually go for married men."

The comment had taken Cato off guard. "Sprig, it's okay-" Enya tried too say.

"Having an affair is not okay Enya! Jesus-" Sprig started.

"Shut it! I'm trying to tell you something!" Enya said flashing her hand in front of Sprig's face. Chyanne had been quietly watching from the side until now .

"No way! Get out of town Enya! Cato you sly dog! I'd never pictured Enya as the marrying type! Congratulations you two, I want details after the party."

Sprig just kind of stood there shell shocked at first. Snapping out of it she hugged her sister and smiled. She stepped over to Cato, "I owe you an apology. You've been nothing but generous to us and I lashed out without knowing the details. I just didn't want my sister hurt."

Cato nodded, "I can understand that. I don't want to see her hurt either. I promise I'd never do that."

"Good because you'd have a troop of redheads to kick your ass if you did." Sprig joked, harsh feelings over with.

"No doubt Enya leading the pack." Cato laughed.

Enya sagged a little in relief. She had not been expecting that at all.

Soon they'd been ushered inside by the doormen and the moment had been forgotten.

The club's interior was black,red with traces of stainless steel. It appeared to be a square deck of sorts. The upper part housing the bar, booths and DJ. The lower part led down into a sea of foamy bubbles and dancing bodies. Body paint was occasionally being thrown into the mix to create an array of colors.

I Kissed A Girl by Katy Perry started playing, "Come on Slick! Let's see if you can move on the dancefloor!" Enya grabbed his hand and lead him down into the foam.

They'd reached a spot somewhere in the middle and began dancing to the rhythm. Enya turned so that she could grind against him and Cato placed his hands on her hips.

Just then another girl, a brunette, came up to join Enya. Body pressing against body.

Enya felt Cato's hardened groin when the woman came even closer, placing her arms on Enya's shoulders. Enya decided to mess with Cato and play on his obvious pleasure of his wife with a girl.

She turned the girl so that she could dance similar to how she was dancing with Cato. The woman obliged by grinding her ass against Enya and dipping low. Cato's cock shifted under his jeans.

They danced like that until the song was nearly finished. It was clear the girl dancing with them was more than a little intoxicated. She immediately turned and pressed her lips against Enya's. Enya broke the kiss and said something into the girls ear. She was pointing at something in the foam covered crowd. The girl nodded and made her way to that direction.

"What did you say to her?!" Cato yelled as the song finished and Jeremih's Don't Tell 'Em came on.

" I told her there was a group over there that were looking pretty frisky and that I wasn't looking for anything but dancing." She said grinding in-between his legs.

"That I think was one of the hottest moments of my male life. Who doesn't want to see two chicks kiss while your grinding against one of them!"

"I could definitely tell Slick." She said reaching down into the bubbles to run her hand across the front of his pants. At that moment, more foam was being added and it came up to just over her shoulders.

Cato's dancing changed and the lust being reflected on his face told Enya everything she needed to know. She slowly slid her other hand down, dancing the entire time, and unbuttoned his jeans. She slid the hem of his boxers down and freed him.

Cato, joining in, reached down to find Enya's moist center. Surprise etched his features momentarily when he found no barrier between his fingers and her flesh. "Naughty Fire Cracker." He murmured against her ear.

There they stroked each other for a bit when Cato suddenly lifted Enya. Shifting her dress higher she wrapped her legs around him as he guided himself into waiting folds.

Thrust after thrust he matched the rhythm of the song. Holding on to her ass he drove himself deeper into her. Both oblivious to the mashing bodies around them. Blue and green body paint now coated the mass of foam around them and just as the song was ending, they boh erupted in simultaneous release. "I take that back," Cato shouted," this was by far, the hottest moment of my male existence. "

After fixing themselves they made their way to the bar where they found Sprig and Chyanne hitting it up with two guys.

"Hey there you are! Was wondering where you two disappeared to but judging by the colored foam, I'd say you where having fun down there."
Sprig said taking a shot.

"Oh! Let's buy a round for the group Sprig! We've got to toast them!" Chyanne said.

Sprig ordered a round for everyone in the group, raising her glass. "To Enya and Cato. May your love never cease!"

After that, everyone went down into the foam out and danced the night away.

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