Chapter 34: The Finale.

Start from the beginning

"Well, hello again, haven't actually seen you since the tracker jackers. Seems like years since then right? So would you like to tell me what you were doing with Clove? Eh?"

Hearing Cato's voice, somehow satisfies my oxygen crave. I manage to drag myself to my feet. Katniss is dangling in Cato's arm, he clutchs her by the collar of her jacket.

Then I see Peeta, looking on in fear, ready to charge at Cato. I quietly open my jacket, pulling out a long knife. A mutts howl camoflauges my zip going back up.

I sneak behind him, Cato sees me, he nods at me, still talking to Katniss.

I slide my knife infront of Peeta's throat. When he feels the metal against his flesh, he knows its me. He tries to move.

"If you move, I will slice your throat. After I kill Katniss. Anyway, how are you Lover Boy, hope your faring well" I snort. "Long time no see, you know I missed where you'd make us walk up hills, then I'd try to kill you. The others would stop me. But, now, there dead" I squel.

''And Cato wants to get out of here just as much as I do.'' I know I should have pinned him down, but I couldn't, I physically couldn't. I find it a struggle to talk.

''Cato? Who should we kill first eh?" I say loudly so I know Katniss will hear me.

''Um, I'm thinking Fire Girl" Cato calls.

''Really? Ha, me too!" I smile.

''NO!!" Peeta jerks forward. I grab a fist full of his dirty blonde hair and yank him back.

''Please. Please kill me first, I couldn't bare to see her die, please!" Peeta begs.

''Oh, well since you put it that way, we're going to give her the most gruesome death ever on the Hunger Games!!" Cato laughs, evily.

I grin, I know this is inhumane, but she killed Glimmer and Marvel. She thrashes in his arms, but Cato's got a good grip.

''To Lover Boy, enjoy. With love Cato and Clove." I snear. I delicately choose my most dangerous knife. Smiling, I choose the most jagged and sharpest one I see.

I throw the knife straight at her thigh. Cato releases his grip, letting her fall with a thud. She shrieks with agony. I can't help but laugh.

She scootches back on her behind. I slip my hand into my pocket. I pull out something unexpected, a pack of matches. Oh so, much better then to keep throwing knives at her.

Cato smiles at the matches. We're both covered in blood, even though we have armour.

I strike a match, watching it light up in flames.

Cato has Peeta, so I'm ok.

''Hey Fire Girl, you said on your interview that it was real fire you were wearing. Was it?" I smirk, her eyes widen in realisation. ''It was? Oh, well, let's see how much fire 'The indestructible Fire Girl' can take eh?"

I quickly shed my jacket, flinging it on the floor, Cato copies in suite. I throw the lighted match at the jackets. They engulf in flames, I smile evily. A wall of fire seperates her from us.

''KATNISS!!!" Peeta yells. ''Ah ah ah'' Cato scoldes.

She struggles to find an exit. There is none. Her eyes reflect the flames.

''KATNIS-" Peeta is cut off when Cato punches him. God, I'm psychotic.

''Is that enough Fire Girl?" I question. "No?" I fling another match at the jackets. The flamea are now higher then Cato. Strangley, she begins to cry. The flames are now mocking her, teasing her.

Our Burning Love-A Clato Love/Survival Story <3Where stories live. Discover now