Dan blushed and kissed him again. "That was beautiful, kitten. I love you so much." He started walking again, making sure not to remove his arm from Phil's waist. As far as he was concerned, it was stuck there like glue. "But, um, who ever said we had to suddenly switch to playing boring card games -- or whatever the fuck bridge is -- once we turn eighty? I think it's pretty clear we are going to be those awesome grandpas that play Halo with their grandkids and totally kick ass!"

"But what if I get frustrated and bite the controller and my dentures get stuck on it?!" Phil laughed.

"Well... then... um... We will figure something out for you and your weird controller biting habit." Dan laughed, rubbing the back of his neck.

Neither of them had really been paying attention to where they had been walking, just focussing on each other, but apparently they had made it all the way out of the train station and onto the pavement out side. I guess time flies when you're talking with your soul mate.

"Should we haul a cab?" Phil suggested, reluctantly untangling himself from Dan and leaning out into the street a bit, waving his right arm out to get a driver's attention.

Soon enough, someone noticed him and pulled up next to the curb.

Dan and Phil got in and told the woman the Glassman address.

The drive was quiet. They were both tired. The cabbie wasn't chatty. Good thing too, as they weren't really in the mood for a conversation with a stranger right then, either.

After a few minutes, the car stopped in front of a tall apartment building.

Dan followed Phil out of the car and stared up at the many floors while Phil paid their fare.

Somewhere in there was his baby. He had waited so long, been through so much. And now he was finally going to get to see his baby.
He was going to get to hold them in his arms.
Sing them to sleep.
Tell them stories.
Play with them.
Feed them.
Burp them.
Change their diaper.
Watch them grow up.
Be the father he always dreamt he would be.

And he got to do it all with Phil by his side.

It was truly unbelievable how much better things had gotten for him. Eight years ago if you'd told him he would be this happy today he probably wouldn't have believed you, but now it was unmistakable. This was his life. This was Dan's beautifully messy, amazingly unpredictable life.

And he won't change a single thing if he could.

He knew tears were pricking his eyes, but he didn't care. Out of all the frustrated and sorrowful tears shed on this journey, he deserved to let some tears of joy fall down his cheeks for once.

He felt something warm and soft curl itself around his hand and looked down to see Phil's hand intertwined with his.

He smiled at the sight. "Every time you do this I kind of hate it when you let go." He whispered, not really meaning for Phil to hear but given that he started reenacting Titanic, Dan guessed he'd heard.

"I'll never let go, Jack!" Phil cried, running away from Dan a bit so they were straining to keep their hands connected. Finally, with a sigh of defeat, Phil dramatically dropped Dan's hand and melted to the ground, pretending to sink.

Dan laughed and helped him back up. "What the hell, Phil? Were you playing the roles of both Rose and Jack just then?" He said incredulously.

"It's a one man performance!" Phil explained, laughing with him.

"You little numpty," Dan rolled his eyes and grabbed his hand again. "Come on! We've got a baby to cuddle!" He announced loudly, marching though the French doors -- holding the door open for Phil, of course -- and into the lobby.

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