c h a p t e r t w e n t y f o u r

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A/N: Starting this chapter, things are going to pick up quite a bit ;) Gosh, its hard to pick up a story again after so long, I had to reread my own book XD


"What did I miss?" Willow asked, looking at everyone like we'd gone mad.

"Nothing, dear." said Mum, still amused. 

"Gosh, I go to the bathroom and I miss everything." Willow muttered, taking the seat beside me. Graham's coughing subsided, and he cleared his throat, face red.

 "So, what did you want to tell us?" Dad inquired, grinning. Willow looked at me, and stood up. 

"Well, I'm going to g-"

 "No, you're not." I whispered, pulling her back down to her seat. "Is anything wrong?" asked my mother. 

"No. Well, yes. It's kind of a long story." I muttered, biting my lip. My dad sat up, and looked at my mother. 

"We have plenty of time."

 "It started when I woke up in the kitchen." I began, staring at the blue ceramic vase on the table.

 "I was really confused, since I don't remember going down there. It was the night that I felt really ill, remember?" My parents nodded, looking slightly worried.

" Then, this person was there. It was this really scary woman, with black hair and pale skin." My Mum and Dad's eyes widened with panic. 

"What did she do?" asked my dad, hands balling into fists. "S-she wanted my ring. And she tried to attack me."

There. Done. Well, not really.

I cocked my head as my parents looked at each other and exchanged knowing looks. 

"Her," muttered my dad.

 "Wait, wait, wait. You know who she is?" I asked, shaking my head. This was starting to get strange. And scary. And creepy.

My mum turned to us, expression grim. 

"We do. We've...met. I should of known that she would come. Opal, you should of told us right when this happened to you! Do you not know how dangerous this is?!"

 "I know-but ,can someone please explain this all to me?! Who is she?" I asked, panicking. My father turned to me, and sighed.

"Snow. Snow White." I snorted, looking at Graham with an amused look, but he didn't react as I expected he would. He simply looked to the window, his brow furrowed as if he wasn't quite paying attention. I returned my gaze to my parents, squinting.

"Like the fairytale? Seriously, tell me. I won't be scared. You don't need to sugarcoat anything anymore. I'm almost 16," I reasoned. My mother looked to me guiltily, putting her hand on top of mine.

"Opal, he's not..he's not lying." I laughed with no humour, shaking my head.

"Tell me what's actually going on." I pressed, my voice shaking ever-so slightly. My father grasped my shoulders lightly, staring into my eyes.

"We're not lying to you. I know it seems crazy, but there's things that we kept from you. We only did that to protect you so you'd be safe when we... moved here." 

No, this can't be true. Its impossible.

My mother tapped her fingers nervously on the table. "Opal, honey, I know this is out of the blue-"

"Well, yes!? How could you not tell me something that I obviously should be informed about?" I shouted, standing up. Graham put his hand on my shoulder and pulled me down. 

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